Abortion completely and utterly severs women from their own nature. In doing so, Abortion represents a kind of triumph. Woman, at least at first, appears to have prevailed over the mighty power of fate. No longer is she bound to the whims and cycles of her own body. The pleasure of sex can be separated totally from the consequences of childbirth She is free! She has been given a choice.
But this choice comes at a cost. You can drive nature out with a pitchfork but she always returns—and with a vengeance.
By treating children as disposable, women themselves become disposable.
There is a straight line from legalized and widespread abortion access for women and the insanity of transgenderism. Sever a woman from her womb and the question immediately becomes apparent: what is a woman?
More importantly, why does woman exist at all? Woman, considered as a whole, is physically smaller than man, less prone to great genius, and less commanding in will. Would not man, considered from the perspective of accomplishment, make for a better woman?
Without nature, womanness becomes an abstraction—a collection of words. Sever the womb from the woman and you are left with fundamentally meaningless socially constructed behaviors involving hairstyles, dress, and manners. Why couldn’t a woman have a penis, then? Nature is a cruel master, after all. She makes some beautiful and some ugly, some great and some weak, some smart and others dumb. Why should woman have to submit to such apparent capriciousness? Why should man?
The answer is that down the road of the total conquest of nature lies insanity: nature cannot be conquered wholly. True freedom from nature’s shackles means death.
Ignoring the natural differences between men and women except to tell ourselves they can be conquered is the path toward vicious insanity and oblivion. We see the results of traveling this path all around us.
Just look at the defenders of Roe v. Wade—look at their faces and bodies. This is woman in profound physical and spiritual decline. Obese, ugly, emotionally unhinged harridans screaming at the universe—this is the legacy and foundation of feminism and liberalism.
Feminism, liberalism, socialism, and communism are biological phenomena. They are the will to power of the weak and decaying. These ideologies are the byproducts of the resentful black bile that pours out of the soul that cannot make peace with life. Misery loves company. Liberalism is the political vehicle by which the rabble, the dregs of humanity, seek to conquer the world.
This is the face of the abyss:
We cannot go on like this. Women need men. Women need children. Women and men alike need a future. Children represent the possibility of life after death. They represent hope.
Overturning Roe v. Wade will not save western civilization. It does not, in itself, represent the overcoming of the great terror and ugliness that followed in the wake of the “death of God.” But it is a sign of life. All is not lost.
There is much work yet to be done to salvage the family and to rescue woman from her own annihilation. Many women now will choose death, they will choose oblivion. But we who love civilization and decency must fight nonetheless. We do not, in the end, have a choice.