Ban Private Jets
Why should wealthy liberals be allowed to dodge the miseries of commercial air travel?
In the overwhelming majority of cases, the jet set crowd utterly despises people like me. If someone owns their own private jet and can afford to fly wherever they choose, odds are that they hate Trump, hate his voters, and support all of the latest liberal fads, no matter how crazy.
I am a big believer in the friend/enemy distinction. I don’t really have a choice. The (fake) President of the United States just spent 35 minutes calling me an extremist threat to democracy on prime time TV the other night. My response is to openly embrace the principle that I want to help my friends and harm my enemies. This is the way Joe Biden and his handlers view politics. I am merely returning the favor.
In that spirit, I propose the United States ban private jets.
Wealthy liberals deserve to obey COVID regulations, go through customs, and navigate dirty airport terminals like the rest of us. Owning a private jet is bad for the planet (so I am told) and it isn’t a necessity. Rich people should have to fly the big airlines like everyone else. Better yet would be if we got rid of first class and exclusive airport lounges too.
America is a country rooted in equality (so I am told), we should act more like it. Every American of every social class sitting together, sharing in the common miseries of air travel would be an inspiring symbol of what life in the modern state is really like. While we’re at it, let’s get rid of the expedited TSA Pre-check lines too. Every American should have to go through the same security theater humiliation ritual. Again, carve outs for the rich and powerful should be done away with.
I am no socialist. I think that excellence and virtue should be rewarded. But does anyone look at the types of people who preen around Martha’s Vineyard and think, “These people deserve everything they have”?
Of course not. America’s elite, if you can call it that, is filled with nepotistic losers, grifters, and scam artists. In a just world, Bill Clinton would be an assistant manager at an Arkansas drug store, leering at overweight middle aged women. Barack Obama would be a teacher at a second tier private high school in Chicago. Mitch McConnell would be a mildly successful insurance salesman, maybe with a boat.
None of these people deserve their wealth or status. The same goes for America’s uberwealthy, virtually all of whom are hard core leftists. If California can ban gas powered cars, then the nation as a whole should ban private jet travel. The liberal elite don’t deserve to live a life sheltered from dealing with ordinary Americans. It would serve them well to have their egos taken down a peg.
Flying coach is just the remedy
Excellent points.
Hey man, enjoyed hearing you on Carribean Rythms. You mentioned Aristotle saying the three things tyrants fear are friendship, hard work and the higher things. Which book does this come from? Thanks and keep up the great work.