Donald Trump is almost certainly going to prison. Trump himself released a statement that he is being summoned to the federal courthouse in Miami on Tuesday at 3pm. Reports have leaked that he is facing seven charges, including a potential indictment under the Espionage Act.
Trump will likely be convicted on at least multiple serious counts. It seems nearly certain at this point that he will go to prison. I predict that, unless something drastic happens, it is unlikely Trump even appears on the ballot for the general election next year. The Left is out for blood. They will likely get it.
I have very intelligent friends who think that the Biden administration indicting Trump is a mistake and that it will cause a backlash. That is a serious argument. However, I am more pessimistic. I do not believe there will be any spontaneous mass uprising in response to Trump being indicted or going to prison. Without a leader, nothing can be done.
The Right sorely lacks such men.
The American Right today is lead by Baby Boomers (and spiritual Boomers) who still think it is 1982. With few exceptions, there is no one over the age of 55 in any position of political or moral authority in the conservative movement today who has the will to fight against the Left.
All of these people imagine that the gravy train of donations, dinners, and lecture series will continue indefinitely. The elderly and naive lead the American Right. Most of them really believe that they are one day going to cash out their 401k’s.
These people simply have no idea what time it is. They don’t understand their own regime. Right now it is Pride Month in America. The whole country is celebrating genital mutilation and sodomy. Conservatives aren’t in danger of losing the country. They already lost it.
The only path forward is Trump’s brand of nationalist populism. That’s why the regime is trying to crush him once and for all. That is, for the Democrats I think, a winning strategy—at least in the short run.
As a general rule, it is virtually always better to use political power to crush your enemies than to hedge your authority out of fear. Attacking your enemies works. For example, I once had a Twitter account that generated millions of hits a month criticizing the Biden regime and the woke military. The powers that be decided they had had enough and banned me. That was in December of 2021. Today, I’m writing a blog that gets hits in the tens of thousands per year.
See how that works? Censorship and repression are effective. Harming your enemies is, in general, a winning strategy.
Trump, unfortunately, seems poised to learn this lesson the hard way.
The time to fight back against the Left was in the spring and summer of 2020 when it became clear that the Democratic Party and its revolutionary allies were going to use COVID and the George Floyd riots as a means to coup President Trump out of office.
Trump should have made clear that he would not accept the results of a fraudulent election and then followed through on his word. In Michigan in 2020, the Secretary of State simply changed mail-in balloting rules unilaterally. That was unacceptable. Turmp should have placed immense pressure on the then-GOP controlled legislature to fight back.
I’m talking mass rallies in Lansing every day, trucker’s strike, protests, and boycotts; the kind of stuff that you see in third world countries governed by autocratic regimes when the people want to make their voices heard. That is the exact situation we find ourselves in today.
Trump should have used these strategies everywhere. It could have worked.
Instead, Trump tried to negotiate and maneuver through the courts—an automatic losing strategy. The result was J6 and the subsequent federal crackdown against hundreds of Trump’s most loyal and dedicated followers. That was a flex by the Left and they know it. Again, crushing your enemies works.
Trump is still very popular but Biden’s inauguration and the subsequent J6 crackdown dissipated a lot of energy on the Right.
When the GOP stumbled through the midterms, it made Trump’s indictment virtually garaunteed. The Democratic Party simply did not pay a price for the fraudulent 2020 election, the COVID lockdowns, or the vaccine mandate. Whether the 2022 midterms were legit or not doesn’t matter.
Fake elections have consequences.
The Left is very powerful today. It dominates the military, the universities, the Fortune 500 companies, and the federal bureaucracy. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think the Left is unbeatable or all powerful. For one, our totalitarian revolutionary Leftist leadership is stupid. They’re also spiritually degraded. Our leaders are loathe to use real force. Yes, if Biden wanted to, I absolutely think he could find plenty of American soldiers willing to drone strike Trump supporters.
The ATF had no problem incinerating dozens of women and children at Waco, for instance.
But that doesn’t mean Biden (or his handlers) or the Left in general wants to take that kind of action. Liberals prefer to use the bureaucracy, the courts, and human resources departments to enforce their will. They aren’t nearly as comfortable with the use of hard power—bullets and bombs.
You don’t see a lot of gender queer BIPOC in the Marine infantry. That doesn’t mean America’s uniformed military and police forces are conservative, far from it. But there is a tension in this arrangement. The senile gerontocrats, bankers, pornographers, and resentful losers who dominate our regime are not, themselves, capable of wielding hard power. This is the biggest difference between them and their Stalinist cousins.
The Communists weren’t afraid to get their hands dirty. Even American ANTIFA types lack that Soviet toughness and will.
Trump is in very real danger of going to prison right now. But it isn’t inevitable. Trump could win by FIGHTING BACK. He needs to draw a line in the sand right now and refuse to show up to the federal hearing on Tuesday. He should instead host a massive rally at the same time somewhere in deep red America. He should make clear that he will not, under any circumstances, submit to political prosecution.
He should dare the regime to come get him. He should taunt Biden and the DOJ. If they really want him to go to prison they will have to use force. Trump should explicitly cause a political crisis. There is no other way out. He must be ready to stand his ground—to the end, if necessary.
If he did this, I do not think Biden and the Democrats have the force of will to follow through. They are not ready to go to war, fully, with half of the American population.
If the regime fails to indict Trump, if he simply refuses to be prosecuted, that will be a potent blow to its authority. It will show that resistance is possible. If Biden and co. do use force that actually would galvanize popular resistance and cause real political problems.
If nothing else, it would make the real situation in the country clear. I prefer my tyranny out in the open as opposed to slinking through the shadows. Honesty is good!
Beyond flagrantly rejecting the DOJ’s political prosecution, Trump needs to start tweeting. He needs to dominate the conversation on social media. He should tweet in his classic 2015 style—short, incisive, and to the point. Shackling himself to Truth Social alone now is not a wise move.
Trump must use every weapon at his disposal to resist his enemies. They want to crush him. If he submits to their process and their rules then he will go to jail. It is that simple.
But there is still time to fight back. There is even still time to win.
Trump seems unwilling to learn what he's dealing with.
The Gracchus brothers led to Marius and Sulla; Sulla's troops hunted Julius Caesar during his teenage years.
In the short-term I think this Regime will win in pretty much every domestic angle, while alienating the broader population, and crumbling geopolitically. Long-term I'm more optimistic. The Boomers are bought off, tied to this fake economy which inflates the value of their homes, pensions, and stocks. Around 2030 when this country goes bankrupt, when most of the Boomers have died off, that's when I think these tensions will break into a new phase.
But I think a huge percentage of the population wants to believe in the Old America, and denial is quite persistent.
That's not a reason to be discouraged; God is on our side, our enemies burn trust every day, a bankrupt America can no longer command the loyalties of various mercenary factions, and what gives me the most hope of all — this Regime is run by incompetent, hysterical clowns.
As you say, it is the month when people celebrate cornholing and child genital mutilation even more than usual and there is no major popular pushback against it. We've already lost.