The haters can stay mad. I will never stop writing. I will never stop trying to make my voice heard. I will never give in to despair. The crisis of our time is too pressing. The stakes in the spiritual war are too high.
Getting banned on Twitter was a blow. I had readers, allies, and friends. And, for the first time in my life, I had a sizeable opportunity to speak truth to power… and to force it to listen. That avenue is closed off, but I’m not finished. I have work to do.
My mission in writing is simple—I want my country to be a better, safer, and more prosperous place. I aim for the collapse of the liberal world empire. I want to help drive a stake through its heart in the DC Swamp. I especially long for accountability for the woke military and its degenerate fopish leaders.
More than anything, however, I want my children to grow up in a good country. America is my home. It is my fatherland. My ancestors have lived here for nearly 400 years. I’m not going anywhere; I intend to be buried in this soil, just like my father’s father, and his father and his father before him. And I hope my sons and their sons will be able to say the same.
The sniveling MilTwitter weirdos who reported me for hurting their feelings and the bluecheck journos who lost their minds at my Ellis Island Regime thread are not going to prevail in the end. Censorship only works if the ideas die out, if they are forgotten and left for dead.
But you can’t keep a good man down! And you can’t stop an idea whose time has come.
Starting from scratch isn’t easy, but I have good friends and I have a mission. That is enough. So buckle up, for this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. Rather, it is only the end of the beginning.