Democrats in Michigan Refuse to Condemn Exterminationist Rhetoric in Schools
The unhinged response to a bill banning racial and gender stereotyping in school shows that the full flowering of an “Interahamwe” Left in America is not only possible, but likely.
Banning racial and gender stereotyping in schools shouldn’t be controversial. That’s what Michigan State Representative Andrew Beeler thought when he introduced HB 5097—an act that would ban public schools from teaching, among other things, that “individuals are born racist or sexist by accident of race or gender” and “that a [given] racial or ethnic group is in need of deconstruction, elimination, or criticism.”
But Democrats lost their minds. The entire liberal contingent walked out of the vote leading to one of the most bizarre results in Michigan state legislative history. Beeler’s bill passed 55-0, with 54 Democrats abstaining.
For some people, prohibiting the teaching of racial blood guilt and exterminationist rhetoric in schools is simply a bridge too far.
State Senators Dayna Polehanki and Erika Geiss argued the bill was an attempt by white legislators to avoid a “meaningful discussion about racial discrimination.” Apparently, this “meaningful” discussion in Michigan public schools needs to include the possibility that oppressor races (i.e., Europeans) might need to be “deconstructed” and/or “eliminated.”
Nowhere does Beeler’s bill mention specific races or prohibit the teaching of any historical event. State Representative Kyra Bolden, however, argued that HB 5097 would prevent the teaching of black history—including the alleged murder and castration of her grandfather by white vigilantes in the 1930s.
HB 5097 is a spiritual test that reveals the soul of those who oppose it. The crazed allegations by the bill’s opponents demonstrate their own disconnect from reality. The bill uses mild language designed to provide common ground for all Americans surrounding our defining principles. That this foundation is so ineffective tells us something crucial about American political life….