The GOP has almost no future as a national party. The 2020 and 2022 elections taught anyone paying attention that the leftist American regime will pull out all the stops to prevent a political threat to attain power. A moderate campaign on the issues of national survival—Trump’s 2016 platform of immigration restriction, fair trade, an end to foreign wars, and law and order—must be kept out of power at all costs.
In order to thwart Trump’s re-election, the American Left used its vast corporate, military, and media power to shut down the global economy, lock Americans in their homes, unilaterally alter election laws in swing states, unleash their communist paramilitaries onto ordinary Americans, and deny the sitting President the power to put down this insurrection. Milley’s treacherous actions after January 6, in which he seized control of the nation’s nuclear weapons behind the President’s back, was the final slap in the face to any pretense of “democracy” or constitutionalism.
The communist Left has taken over. The coup already happened.
The GOP has its back against the wall. Nothing but decisive and dramatic action can save the GOP from political extinction.
That is why House Republicans should nominate Trump as Speaker of the House. The Constitution does not specify that the Speaker must be a congressman. Article I of the Constitution merely states that:
The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.
There is no mention of qualifications for the Speaker as such. The House can choose whoever they like. Trump would make a great choice. He could use the platform to harass Biden and the Senate Democrats on a near daily basis. It would launch Trump back into the 24-hour news cycle at the kind of fever pitch that causes liberals to lose their grip on reality.
It would also allow Trump to negotiate potential legislative victories. Trump getting just one legislative victory as Speaker would be huge. He should angle to get funding for the border wall by putting pressure on the budget process. A unified Republican front could hold the continuing resolution process hostage for $10 billion for the wall with Trump leading the charge.
It would make for delicious television and would show that the GOP, though outgunned by the Left’s total cultural hegemony, still has fight in it.
Appointing Trump as Speaker would cause the Left to go into a coniption fit. It would also be a slap across the face for Joe Biden and his minions… which means the GOP base would love it.
The GOP needs fighting spirit. It needs to make a stand and it needs to stand out. There are tens of millions of Americans who yearn for an alternative to communism. They want to preserve their way of life. Trump was, for these ordinary people, the answer. He was an outsider who would “say it how it is” and “shake things up in Washington.” The GOP can recapture some of that 2016 magic by appointing Trump as Speaker.
It is a bold move but one worth attempting if only for the amusement, memes, and chaos that would follow in its wake!