There is no rule of law in this country and the Constitution hasn’t mattered in a century. The Fulton County prosecution against the President (to say nothing of the other three) is a show trial conducted in a kangaroo court by Trump’s political enemies.
It does not matter that Trump is innocent or that the facts of the cases are on his side. These trials aren’t about the facts. These courts quite literally cannot be impartial. This isn’t a bug but a feature. The American legal system today has more in common with the Soviet Union’s judiciary than with the one the nation’s Founders built. It is absurd to think that Donald Trump is going to get a fair trial.
The political purge is just getting started. I personally know at least four conservative political figures who are currently in federal prison or in the process of being charged. This repression is only going to accelerate.
As for Trump, at least one of these four trials is going to strike pay dirt. The Left in this country is salivating at the prospect of Trump in prison and they are going to get what they want unless something profoundly unexpected happens.
The entire American political establishment and the leadership of every single important institution in our country want Trump in jail. There is no way to play ball with this system and win. The rules of the game are rigged.
No amount of lawyering, maneuvering, or horse trading can avert what is coming.
Again, the only way Trump doesn’t go to jail is if he takes drastic action. Trump has to force a constitutional crisis in order to stay out of prison. Is he willing to do that? I don’t know, I haven’t talked to him. I will say this though, for all the talk of Trump being a dictator, the reality is that he is an incredibly scrupulous rule follower—to a fault. Trump wants to play ball. He wants to be vindicated in open court through the power of argument.
The 2024 election is going to be rigged. Trump already knows this. My guess is that the liberals will try and ram through at least one prosecution, get a conviction, and then use the results to get Trump kicked off the ballot in at least one or two key swing states. The Supreme Court will go along with all of this when/if it happens. So will the GOP.
Even if Trump isn’t convicted between now and November then we still have to confront the widespread action of the Democrat vote getting machine. Each year millions of “new Americans” pour over our borders and the DNC political machine is there to vacuum them up and get them on the voter rolls. Since 2020 the Dems have registered 5.1 million new voters in “communities” that overwhelmingly vote for Democrats.
How can you win elections in a country where the opposing side is quite literally electing a new people? That question has an answer but it is hard to swallow.
I’ve laid out my advice for Trump here. I cannot guarantee that any of my advice will work but I can guarantee that if he tries to work within this system he will be convicted and imprisoned, almost certainly for the rest of his life.
God be with you.