Conservatives pointing out that liberals are hypocrites is mostly stupid, but sometimes you can’t help but admire the brazeness. Check out what Nick Hanauer, a liberal investor who was an early supporter of Amazon, decided to post in the wake of the Uvalde school shooting:
I got banned for tweeting that Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong—a position taken by the jury in a court of law. But this liberal gets to call for the death of his political enemies with no consequences.
My point is not to simply furrow my brow and talk about how “concerning” this is, but to offer a counterpoint—when the right comes to power we need to absolutely crush these people. It sucks to be the one with the boot on their neck. So let’s work to reverse the situation. The right needs to stop losing. The first step is to see that we are at war.
Our enemies (and Nick Hanauer is my enemy) want to see us dead. They want to take our right to bear arms, our right to worship, our right to associate and our right to free speech. They have been successful so far, but that can’t last. Hanauer is a disgusting human being, yes, but he isn’t impressive in his viciousness. This callow sclerortic excuse for a man couldn’t fire a gun in self-defense if his life depended on it.
And soon it may well depend on it…
Liberal elites, like Hanauer, believe that their rule is inevitable and permanent. So they become increasingly open in their hatred for ordinary Americans. That’s not a good idea, though. Oligarchs can’t defend their wealth and power without help, and who will help them if they alienate the vast middle portion of the country? Will military and police forces made up of trans BIPOC come to their rescue? Can these elites really trust foreign mercenaries?
Aristotle says that oligarchies (rule of the wealthy) are among the most unstable of all regimes for these reasons. It is a lesson our rulers are about to learn in very painful ways.
That, at least, is my prayer.