Last week two important events occurred. First, I passed my comprehensive examinations, the last requirement—aside from the dissertation—for my Doctor of Politics degree here at Hillsdale College. Second, Regime Critic passed 1,000 subscribers after a year and a half of existence.
My two pieces on Israel and the Hamas conflict went mildly viral and far outpaced my usual level of interest: I’ve gained nearly 150 new subscribers in the last week. I am grateful and honored. This newsletter/blog would be nothing without those who take the time to read and share. Thank you.
So where to from here? Right now, you may notice that this blog doesn’t have a paid subscription. That is unlikely to change in the near future. It is far more important to me that I gain reach instead of money. I write as a compulsion. I see insanity raging all around me and I want to do something, I want to say something. That’s what this blog represents: an outlet for me, as a citizen, to exercise my right to speak and to influence contemporary events. I want people to read what I have to say and then I want them to use my arguments to make policy.
My writing is the unashamed expression of my will to power.
I write because I am right. Or, at least, I am righter than those currently in power. I think more deeply about politics than any of the current clowns we have in DC because I do not hate the American people. I am not at war with them. Our rulers have overseen disaster after disaster over the last several decades. To my credit, I have not lost a single war, crashed the economy, or locked tens of millions of people in their homes because of a cold virus.
I am, in comparison to the leaders of the DC uniparty, a profound genius.
In fairness, it is not hard to be better than these cretins. The bar has been set very low.
Perhaps you do not believe me. Perhaps you think I am arrogant and delusional. I am happy to put such hypotheses to the test. I will gladly debate any military General, Representative, Senator, presidential candidate, or mainstream cable news pundit any time, any place, on any issue of public importance. I will let the reader decide who has the better argument. I am not hard to reach. Meet my challenge, cowards.
I believe in Science. Science depends on experimentation and observation. As a man dedicated to knowledge, I am eager to put my claims of natural superiority to the test.
Since I have been banned on Twitter, and that lying “free speech activist” Elon Musk won’t let me back on, I have very limited options through which I can participate in the public discourse. Substack, from my point of view, is the best alternative to Twitter. It allows short and long form commentary, audience engagement, and, best of all, the ability to download an excel file with all of the email addresses of my followers. That last tool is critical.
When Substack eventually bans me for thoughtcrime (and if I get big enough, they absolutely will do this) then I will still have the ability to connect directly with my readers and supporters. That ability to keep an independent record of subscribers is, by far, the best feature of this platform—superior even to blogging on my own website. The modern technological censorship regime is very powerful, but even still, Americans are yet allowed to have private email addresses from which they can broadly send and receive messages.
My goal for this Substack is simple: 1,000,000 subscribers.
Yes, you read that right. I want to increase the size of my follower count by 1,000 times. This is doable. The largest current Substack—Letters From An American—by Heather Cox Richardson, a college professor at Boston University, has 1.2 million subscribers. If this unattractive aging liberal woman can get that kind of following, what is stopping me from doing the same?
Aim high or don’t aim at all. If you aren’t reaching for excellence then what are you even doing? Turning oxygen into carbon dioxide for plants?
I don’t like the mild mannered, shrinking, low-gazing grifter mindset. I want a million followers on Substack. I want Trump to read every post. Hell, I want Biden (or his handlers) to hate-read them, too. I hope every 4-star at the Pentagon gets briefings every time I publish.
I want to be heard because I am angry.
I am angry at the waste—at the wasted money, the wasted lives, and the wasted talent. Our civilization is imploding. Basic services no longer work. Everything is a sheepshearing operation. Cities are filled with crime. Our leaders are senile. War and crisis threaten at every turn. The older way of life is in the process of being annihilated. Foreigners flood over the border, longing to suckle Uncle Sam’s tits till his desiccated breasts swing in the wind, emptied of every nutritious morsel.
This country really is ruled by vampires.
I’m sick of it. I want the evil clownshow to stop and I want to do everything in my power to make it happen. I like my way of life; I want to keep it.
The West is an aberration in human history. The witch doctor, the cannibal, the serf making human sacrifices to the obese earth goddess—these are the norm in human life. Right now, the whole western world is being driven back into this dark void. The great maw of mere life threatens to suck all back into itself. The primordial ooze exerts a potent pull on the human heart. It is only the very rare human type—and the very rare human civilization—which has wings with which to soar.
The world birthed out of the flame of life in ancient Greece some 2500 years ago is the exception, not the average.
We can see the collapse of “back to nature” all around us. Nowhere is the rot more obvious than in institutions of “higher learning.” Today, colleges are filled with fanatics and ideologues. Personally, I believe most of them should simply be burned to the ground. Instead of standing as bastions of humane learning, they are indoctrination centers for communism. Enough.
This (for now) humble blog is part of my answer to the crisis of the hour and to the ever-present decline. Spiritual war is the order of the day. This newsletter is my sword and shield. It is my fortress. From this base of operations, I launch my forays into the world of degeneracy, despair, and death. It is the vehicle by which I carry out my raids on behalf of higher life and human aspiration.
I depend on you, my readers, in this work. I need your help. I need you, first of all, to read. You must engage your mind. You must think. The most striking thing about thinking in our time is that no one is doing it. But it doesn’t have to be that way. When you join me here, we have the chance to think together—to try and see our way out of this mess. This is invaluable.
You also have the power to share my work. You can help launch it into the wider world. Each article I write is a seed; every mind that encounters it is soil in which it has the opportunity to blossom. I might be banned from Twitter by the order of the American government. You, however, are not under such strictures. So share my work far and wide. Give my pieces to your coworkers, friends, and local congresscritters.
Lastly, you can pledge to support my work directly. You can indicate that you would be interested in giving hard resources when the time comes. I don’t intend to actually use those pledged resources for a long while. But knowing I have them gives me a good idea of where I stand.
When the hour is ready, and the base of support is big enough, I will transform this blog. I have ideas for what that will look like: a more regular posting schedule, a podcast element, and even original investigative reporting. Before that day comes, however, I will communicate directly with pledged supporters and articulate my concrete plans. For now, I intend to post as I have been doing—when the spirit strikes me. What can I say, I like my freedom.
For those considering pledging support: you should see this as akin to paying a wage. Many of you have jobs, busy lives, and ever-replicating responsibilities. Many of you feel that no one speaks for you. You want someone to be your Voice. You want someone to say what needs to be said, even when you cannot. This is where I come in.
Writing takes time and resources. But here I am. We fight together, we win. Simple as.
So here is my call to action for you, dear reader.
You can read:
You can share:
You can pledge your support:
I hope to hit 5,000 subscribers within the next year, 10,000 the next, and a 100,000 the year after that. Within five years—a million. It can happen. We can will it into being.
Read and share. Share and pledge. Resist the communist horde.
In this sign we shall CONQUER
Excellent article!
The picture of the Boston professor is a nice touch. You certainly can do better, and I'm glad to read what you write. As a fellow writer, I wish more conservatives would get to reading actual essays the whole way through and think deeper about these issues. Twitter's shallow, and anyone who really follows the news can easily find better stuff that's more than a headline and pic.
I guess all I'm saying is that we need more readers. Reading is a civilized act of protest. Don't fritter away your mind on inanities.