Liberals are losing their minds at Trump’s comment that the 2020 election should be thrown out and that he should be installed as President, even if that means going beyond the Constitution:
Honestly, Trump’s suggestion is based. No one in power in our political order respects either the text of the Constitution or the theory behind it. The 2020 election was made illegitimate by the open effort of multiple state governors and officials who simply unilaterally changed election procedure without the power of law.
Watching communist stooges like Mike Pence now clutch their pearls is rich. Law and order only matters to these people when it would harm conservatives—which means its not law and order.
The Constitution says that Congress needs to delcare war in order for the nation to enter a conflict. We’ve simply jettisoned that provision. Where is the moral outrage about the illegal invasion of Iraq—which was rooted in national security establishment lies about weapons of mass destruction? The Constitution says that we have the right to assembly. But in 2020, government officials locked tens of millions of Americans in their homes and forbade protests. Where was the outrage from our political leaders about that? The Constitution compels Congress to set a time for choosing candidates for federal office.
Here is the relevant text from the US Code:
The Tuesday next after the 1st Monday in November, in every even numbered year, is established as the day for the election, in each of the States and Territories of the United States, of Representatives and Delegates to the Congress commencing on the 3d day of January next thereafter.
The law sets a single day for the election and yet nearly every state in the Union allows for early voting. But muh Constitution, muh laws!
If Trump (or his allies) really did suspend the Constitution they would simply be validating a reality that already exists in the country. For my part, I would love to have the Constitution. But we don’t have it now. Republican government with real elections is a fantasy today. Maybe we can get back to it, but that will take a level of effort the cuck-wing of the conservative faction isn’t willing to take.
Didn't you take an oath to the Constitution when you became a junior military officer, sir?