A couple of things.

I have family in rural America. The only posterity I have left. One parent of my posterity is in law enforcement. Hanging out with his LE buds one asked for their best transport story. Here goes: A cartel dealer had a job at the local college as a security guard. It is where he dealt drugs to the youth in the once innocent town and countryside. To make himself more legitimate he added a cage to his car to create the impression he was the police. One day, a young woman, a student, felt scared and came to him for help. She got in his car and he took her to the tumbleweeds and raped and killed her. She was a gorgeous, sweet, blonde haired, blue eyed angel whose innocence and life he took without mercy.

When the local police were transporting this scum from arraignment to a max security facility, his cartel buddies surrounded the transport van and stopped it on a lonely rode. They surrounded the van. Fortunately, the local LE had suspected this to be the case and surrounded the cartel hijackers with even more vehicles, men and massive amounts of firepower. They confiscated breeching bombs, and enough weapons and munitions to supply a significant military expedition.

Think about the priceless life that was taken that would not have been taken if he and his pals were not here. Think about the inordinate expense law enforcement incurs to run military convoys just to transport one prisoner who is effectively an extralegal paramilitary commando. Think about all the drugs he dealt to our youth. Think about how even his fellow invaders who aren't in cartels make life harder for our people, our nation and who are here on the behalf of the regime to dispossess us of it.

I subscribed as the only way I could find to respond to your new AmGreatness post about the ritual destruction of our heritage. (https://amgreatness.com/2023/11/03/the-meltdown-of-the-old-order-foretells-a-new-crisis/)

I appreciate your writing. In it beats the heart of an American lion whose soul springs forth from the people of Europe and their lands. I feel its ferocious and regal pounding, permeate your writing. I do have an issue with your analysis of this iconoclastic destruction. The analysis is important for we must understand the nature of the multiple factions of enemies we face. A very specific group of people are taking these statues down and getting the contracts to perform the rituals of conquest in destroying them. It is a mistake to lump them all in as communists like the Khmer Rouge. There is a deep and seething resentment and hatred for our people by other people who were never actors in history. These acts are the next round of salvos in a war of revenge that is based on a blood libel. That faction has been adopted as a favorite partner in the ruling regime's coalition that seeks to destroy our people. That favored partner just wants revenge to destroy our people and subjugate us. Their masters who give them free reign to do so, want to destroy us, because they want to destroy our country. You destroy the people, you destroy the nation. You destroy nation you destroy the people, and their country is destroyed with them.

The Khmer Rouge did what they did not as Communists, but as people enabled to finally carry out a long desired retribution against tribal rivals and enemies in the garb of the ruling regime that granted them that license.

That is what we face. It is very sobering but it is critical that we understand this. We must understand and very clearly know just who is our enemies, how they assemble themselves together and each of their reasons why. God bless you.

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Thank you for the comment. I appreciate it

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Beheading is uncivilized, it’s for primitives.

Shoot them and hang their bodies upside down, allow citizens to pelt them with whatever they choose, and after a week bury them in potter’s field.

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That works too

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NOTHING is going to happen until we do something the thugs FEAR!

Beheading would make them pucker.

The Elites will laugh at us and continue to rape and pillage until a Gates, or Fauci, or Bourla, or Zuckerburg is dragged out of their homes, watch it burn, then are hanged from the nearest tree limb while the Justice Dealers are deciding who is next. You and I know that is the only thing that will pucker their sphincters and give them pause......but we don't have the guts to do that....yet.

Ken Upstate SC

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Right. The elites are more dangerous than any drug dealer.

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line the highway into the US from the border crossings with the skulls or the impaled carcasses of gang members or plain old civilian murderers.

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Every mile back up the ass of el presidente

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