I heard about beheaded babies and thought of this exact same ruse.

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This isn't the first time this claim has been made. WWI British propaganda claimed the Germans were raping nuns, stabbing babies, and turning prisoners into bars of soap.

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The truth of what they actually did to nuns, babies/children, and prisoners was not bad enough? Your overall caution is merited but let's not minimize because that can be used as a sort of anesthesia to numb the brain and the heart. Must say, of course, that the danger, at the moment, is not numbing but enraging people.

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We are “Force Fed Lies”.

How many lies do we need to be told to realize that all they do is lie? Apparently this number is large…

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A sucker is born every day

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We all need to STOP and think rather than just react. They want us to react.

They WANT us to have the same outrage as we did after 9/11. That trick only works once, since we know now our own government is behind much of the nonsense and noise.

It’s hard to imagine what they did to get us into war. We have to stop listening to the lies and having them turn our attention to the ‘shiny object’ and focus on America at home.

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Exactly right. You get it.

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"Propaganda is a form of mind control. It is meant to strip the target population of the ability to pause and deliberate before they take action." BINGO! And yet, people will fall for it...because those in power know that it works almost every time.

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The only thing human beings love more than lying is being lied to!

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After 9/11 and now the planned Covid scamdemic I don’t believe anything the Left Wing Liberal Lame Main Stream Mockingbird Hypocritical Pedophile Supporting Media tells me! If I don’t see it or experience it I don’t believe it!!!

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Really excellent article, thanks.

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Thank you!

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If you believe American Senators & military are “fooled”by Kuwaiti royalty (coached by American P R firms), you haven’t been paying attention. Those PR stunts are intended to fool the gullible public BUT the US Gov & military most likely planned the whole event.

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So, the babies are only dead and not beheaded?

And yes, truth is the first casualty of war. We should not act surprised.

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This time there are videos. If you want to see them, check out GETTR. I believe they have been posted by Jack Posobeic and/or Stephen K. Bannon. Even so, I agree that we must proceed carefully, not rush headlong into plunging the world into war. And the WEF would be happy to use that to take over.

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Excellent article, Josiah. Thank you for researching this.

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You're welcome!

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Also, people should also be incredibly wary of any claims of atrocities, or of anything, that come out of Fox (and NY Post).

Burning beats beheading anyway - like those old Burger King commercials.

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It is disconcerting that the Kuwait example was illustrated by linking to a production made by one of the great producers of propaganda in Canada today. Their coverage at the time of that girl's testimony was no better than the news media that pushed the war. And today? It might be even worse with the CBC. I suppose these things have double-edges.

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I find it odd that people are leery of the beheading stories but no one can deny that Hamas definitely targeted civilians. Or that they have military targets in civilian areas. Under International Law then, Israel has the right to do what it needs to do.

“Does the political context, including resistance to an occupation and imbalances of power, affect the analysis under international humanitarian law?

The laws of war make no formal distinction between parties to a conflict on the basis of power imbalances or other criteria. The fundamental principles of international humanitarian law still apply. Violating them by deliberately targeting civilians or carrying out indiscriminate attacks can never be justified by pointing to the injustice of the political situation or other political or moral arguments. To permit the targeting of civilians in circumstances in which there is a disparity of power between opposing forces, as is the case in many conflicts, would create an exception that would virtually negate the rules of war.”

Who and what is lawfully subject to military attack?

Civilian objects become subject to legitimate attack when they become military objectives; that is, when they are making an effective contribution to military action and their destruction, capture, or neutralization offers a definite military advantage, subject to the rules of proportionality.“

While Israel’s West Bank and Golan Heights settlements possibly violate the Fourth Geneva Convention these conflicts are not targeting those areas. “Atrocity does not justify atrocities”, right? This is probably why Israel hasn't threatened invasion against Syria & Hezbellah when they launched munitions to these areas after the Hamas attacks. The West Bank settlements & Gaza are on opposite sides of Israel so the anti-settlement “killing colonizers” doesn't even apply.

& Palestine signed the Geneva Charter.


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So then, explain the footage showing Hamas soldiers holding babies they'd obviously grabbed , and comforting them, patting them on the back, rocking them to quiet them etc.? they looked like people just trying to console distressed kids who wanted their parents. Believe nothing from corporate news.... We remember the Kuwaiti ambassador's daughter's malicious self-serving lies well.

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Wasn’t there a beheaded babies story from Iraq back when the neocons were instigating their war there?

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