Mar 17Edited

Excellent analysis as always.

Anyone arguing from the right, who is against Trump, at least deserves to tell us what their program is, what their agenda would be that would face less opposition than Trump. Many good people seem to be seduced by Pied Pipers like French who, on some level, are just cowards. They think they can use semantics and good arguments to turn a shitlib into a constitutionalist.

But that has never worked. It's never happened that way. As you point out, Conservative Inc. has 40+ years of trying this program, and it has failed across the board. Conservative Inc. is the little pasture that the left, running every other institution in America, allows us to sandbox our ideas and fight amongst ourselves.

Meanwhile we're losing everything by every metric, as you note. One recent fact I learned, which was startling, was 94% of hires from 2020-2021 to the S&P 100 are POC's: https://www.resourcefulfinancepro.com/news/dei-hiring-gone-awry/ - no doubt the remaining 6% were gay.

I suspect that if the stakes weren't so high, and the public didn't realize they were so amazingly high, that this David French routine of countersignalling and preening and posturing might work. But when you can see the illegals destroy your town, when you can see the trannies spread mental poison in your life, when you can watch your dollar devalue and grocery prices double every year, the cultural, economic and social rot in America is very tangible and tactile.

And to that French's editorial in the NYT says, to the extent he even identifies his actual objections to Trump, he says it's 1) Trump's lukewarm support for Ukraine, 2) Support for NATO, 3) Biden's great economy, and 4) Rising crime rates in inner cities, 5) The abortion rate rose under Trump, 6) Trump's success downballot was weak in the mid-terms.

I don't need to go through each of these because they are so transparently dishonest.

But French then makes it personal, and says, "only one party is nominating a man who’s been impeached twice, indicted in four criminal cases, found liable for systemic financial fraud, and found liable for sexual abuse and for defaming his victim. He is a man who inspired and gave at least tacit support to a violent assault on the Capitol in an effort to overturn an American election."

The slow-motion collapse of the GOP establishment and RINOs has led to all these odd moments.

So French's personal reasons against Trump are: 1) Impeachment, 2) Criminal prosecutions, 3) The New York fraud claims, 4) The Jean Carroll case, 5) January 6th.

These personal arguments are the exact same ones as the left presents. David French isn't a subversive trying to covertly advance a left-wing agenda, he's a left-wing person in a left-wing outlet, making overtly left-wing arguments but saying that's what good conservatives should do because reasons.

This is all a long way of saying that French's arguments are bad. There is no serious NeverTrump policy they prefer. There is no cogent policy they prefer over Trump's policies that is actually better for real people. There is no 'there' there.

Judas did it for the shekels. Judas wanted to get paid. Judas did it because he was serving the powerful on Earth forgetting about the power of God.

Why is David French doing this? I don't think he's doing it for the shekels. I don't think he's doing it for the grift. He's clearly not doing it for the sake of the policies. There's likely some deeper psycho-sexual thing where he likes to be abused and humiliated, but there are many others like French. Are they all degenerates?

I can understand Judas. The French constant betrayal and constant humiliation train is truly obscene.

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Great comment. Can I republish here as a separate post?

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Notice how both of these turncoat examples are overt Christian identifiers. This is ultimately the fault of the modern church, which has been infected with Feminism, causing fracturing in worldview & what I call Lovebunny preaching. These type of men do not hate wickedness enough, or at all.

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Indeed, they have fallen in love with wickedness by calling it good.

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Well, THAT’s the plain, straight-up truth. And I am fully a Trump supporting actual Christian. Mike Pence is a huge disappointment.

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Old Never-Trumpers, with the exception of Kevin D. Williamson (who just hates plebs) are never-trumpers because they are weak and being weak, hate strength. I wish it wasn't so, because there were many legitimate possible reasons for opposition, starting with Trump's cucking on nearly everything that mattered. But if you've read The-Dispatch's coverage of L'affaire Rittenhouse, it's very obvious. And it's not even audience capture. Read audience comments on French's piece -(https://thedispatch.com/newsletter/frenchpress/kyle-rittenhouse-open-carry-and-the/#comments), and his own audience is basically calling him a cuck. They might be elitists and despise Trump's low class behavior, but they are not entirely incapable of understanding heroism. One of the top rated comments reads:


"I wonder where this fits into French's critique, "In a sort of ghastly

simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without

chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are

shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful."


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The Trump wing continues to utter inanities. Weakness? Winning the Cold War, the courage to face down the Soviet Union, fighting on the front lines for free speech, then volunteering for service…that was courage. Name calling is the stuff of cowards, as evidenced by the idol of January 6. Johnson found his voice last week, and the bloviating by MTG only serves to remind us all of the cowardice of the guy who hides behind his checkbook to cover his immorality. Populism’s days are numbered, real courage eventually finds it way through the fog of social media. Trump is a loser, his supporters are week, and will eventually flee or go over the edge to political ignominy like lemmings.

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At times I wonder how the story and portrait of Christos by Leonardo Da Vinci would have changed if the Battle of Actium. 31 BC had a different victor.

The life of Judas after his betrayal of Jesus shows he atleast had a conscience of rightness and wrongness. I gather the lot of whom you speak don't.

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Remember my name too, when you go down in the next general election, just like the last 2. You’ve tied your fortunes to a perpetual loser.

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"classical liberal thinker" lmao

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Lol spiritual hormone therapy, I love it

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What is Principled Conservatism? By Austin Bramwell


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Your name takes me back to my years in the aisles of the University of Pennsylvania at the Lippincott Library, digging up old state manufacturing census data from the stacks, and waiting ½ hour for the Eurostat figures to download over a temperamental modem, so I could finish my Dissertation on 18th century business cycles.

Good times, good times…..

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The establishment is a very safe place and many of these intellectuals could not survive outside a safe space. Anything that threatens the establishment must be destroyed.

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In addition to Pence and French are the traitors Peter Wehner and Jon Meacham.

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