“Trust the plan!” This is, at core, the problem with the old conservative movement. For the Americans born in the immediate aftermath of WWII the spiritual inclination to believe the Authorities is overwhelming. The Q phenomenon made this extremely clear. Millions of Americans desperately wanted to believe that there were adults in charge, somewhere somehow.
They were right that the government was being run by pedophiles. They were wrong that there was a plan to stop them.
That’s where we are now, on the day of Trump’s arrest. It is a bullshit case. Everyone knows it. Even the kooky Soros prosecutors who cooked it up. Scratch that. Alvin Bragg might not know it. But that man can barely fog a mirror, much less pull himself away from a plate of nachos.
But just because the liberals aren’t sending their best, doesn’t change the reality of the situation we find ourselves in. Trump faces potential criminal charges in at least three jurisdictions, including New York. It is likely that he will be convicted on at least some, if not all of the charges. Not because he is guilty but because he is a threat to this regime.
Trump, like many of his generation, is a plan truster. He still believes that America can be saved and that the rule of law still applies. He is wrong on both counts.
America is done. It’s gone. The Constitution is done, too. If COVID didn’t make that clear to you, then maybe Trump’s arrest and the conviction of Douglass Mackey for making memes will. But probably not. If you don’t see it by now, you never will.
We aren’t going to lose our country. We already lost it. The conservative movement is over. It’s done. Only the grift continues and that won’t last long either.
Don’t mistake me. I’m not saying we should simply surrender and let the communist affirmative action horde have their way. I am merely stating that the old weapons, framework, and mode of thinking simply do not apply.
This realization has been a long time coming. America has been an occupied country since 1933. The New Dealers crushed the America First movement in 1941, calling those who wouldn’t submit to global war “fascists.” There hasn’t been a real right-wing since.
Nixon tried and failed. Reagan essentially rolled over. On no-fault divorce and mass immigration he simply gave in. The Bushes were always liberals. Trump was the one exception—a last gasp of the old America in hopes of restoring some sense of normalcy before complete Leftist takeover.
That’s why they hate him.
And that’s why I support Trump and will continue to support him no matter what. Trump was the greatest post-war President and the greatest American statesman of my lifetime bar none. He made clear the true character of the American regime.
Trump won, and won big, in 2020. Had that been a fair election, he would have won a landslide victory.
Instead, the Left staged a communist coup in the streets in the summer of 2020 while the regime established a biomedical security state, under the guise of the pandemic, in order to toss out the rule of law completely. It was a two pronged assault on our way of life. That was the moment to take a stand.
I think Trump should have suspended habeas corpus in the summer of ‘20, mass arrested ANTIFA terrorists, and summarily “dealt with” the leaders of the movement by military tribunal. Trump also should have made clear to the GOP state legislatures that he would not accept the results of a rigged election and would force a constitutional crisis if need be. If states like Michigan and Pennsylvania allowed blatantly illegal election procedures to go through (as actually happened) then he should have threatened to apply overwhelming public pressure, up to and including rejecting the illegitimate results.
He should have put the fear of God in these cucks. I realize how difficult it would have been to do what I am suggesting. I don’t really fault Trump for not doing it. Crossing the rubicon would have been deeply risky. But the much more dire consequences of not doing so are now being made clear.
The lesson of Trump is clear—don’t lose. Never give up, never apologize, and never submit. It’s a lesson every enemy of the Liberal International World Order (aka, “globo-homo”) would be wise to learn. You cannot give into these people. Ever.
The Left crossed the rubicon themselves decades ago and continue to do so over and over on every issue they get their hands on—from reading the Bible in schools to forcing transgender surgery on minors. The Left has violated so many norms that their perversions of our constitutional order became the norm.
The Constitution itself, by this point, is finished. You have no rights that a pandemic measure won’t take away and the consent of the governed is a joke. The failure of the Republican-lead state legislatures in 2020 to do anything to secure the election shows just how useless the party has become. They earned the shellacking they got in ‘22. There will be much more to come.
In the end, the GOP has declared itself non-essential. They abdicated and with them went the last chance of constitutional government. They believed that as long as they went along with the Left they would keep recieving offices and honors. They were right. Mike Pence decided to certify fraudulent electoral ballots in 2020. He is still being honored by conservative organizations today.
The only thing these people care about is money. They are walking stomachs with genitals attached. As long as the 401k pays out and the grift continues then everything is right in the world—the American people be damned.
Our conservative “leadership” let the Republic die on their watch. Should the Left choose to dispose of them Soviet-style it will be a fate richly deserved. When they had a chance to save it by helping Trump they refused. They refuse still.
I don’t know what will happen in 2024. I don’t believe in “our sacred democracy” anymore. It is a farce. But I will vote for Trump anyway. I will flip this regime the bird every chance I get.
There is no justice left in our regime and there is little hope of saving the Constitution. That’s over and done with. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t hope. It merely means that we need to get more serious than we have been. We need to think more clearly about alternatives. We need to harden ourselves and inclucate toughness. Everything is going to get worse—the economy, the violation of our civil liberties, and the prospects of national rejuvenation. At this point, the only possibility of a return to justice and decency will require crisis.
Our leaders have made certain of it. I don’t relish in that prospect. I am not an accelerationist. I am being swept along like the rest of you. I have no political power, no office, and a very meager audience. I am censored wherever I go. But that’s life. Sometimes you just have to ride the tiger, come what may.
So I will keep fighting. Just because the situation is bad and likely to get worse is not an excuse. We are in an existential conflict. The last step in the liberal cultural revolution is a reign of terror with real violence. And don’t believe they won’t do it. The Covenant school shooting last week is a foretaste of what these people are capable. It is a vision of the future.
There is no way out of this mess but through. Right now, we still have some time to prepare. But the hour draws near. It is time to spiritually and physically ready ourselves in earnest for what is to come. Lift weights, practice self-defense, and draw closer to your real friends. Trump’s arrest is the beginning of a new era in American politics and one that bodes very ill for all of us who loved the old constitutional order. It may be dead but its memory lives on in our hearts and in our minds.
Perhaps, one day, it may return—at least in part—but that will only happen if we carry on the struggle. So stand strong, my friends.
Heroic times ahead!
Great essay. I was a fan of your Twitter before you got the ban again. I wrote something similar on my substack you might enjoy, from a bit of a different angle. Glad to have found you on here.