Apr 5Liked by Josiah Lippincott

It is a relief to see somebody saying these unspeakable truths, finally. Feminism has been a disaster, a total reductio on itself, resulting in crashing birth rates, DIE tokenism, maternal instincts redirected toward criminals and invaders, self-whoring on the internet, the destruction of marriage, the neutering of police and military forces, and the absurd Cancellation of womanhood itself in favor of trannies. The sin of Eve is a real thing, visible in women’s compulsion to seize power and become God. Women have an irreplaceable, supremely valuable role as wives, mothers, care-givers. Turned outwards, these instincts become destructive of society.

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Apr 4Liked by Josiah Lippincott

Great analysis on feminism, the ideological fentanyl of middle class women. The problem is that like any addiction there is a cost to the addict of giving up the drug, and that cost would fall on feminists who are unwilling to change their outlook.

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Apr 4Liked by Josiah Lippincott

A thoughtful and courageous analysis that takes on many of the cliches of radical feminism. Most damaging to civilization are not those that elevate women, but those that degrade men and their role in society. According to Mao Zedong, "women hold up half the sky," a comment adopted by many feminists. What they seem to forget is that men hold up the other half. Indeed, as a mammalian species, men and women are partners whose roles are determined primarily, if not exclusively, by biology. Lippincott is correct in his response to the accusation of the Seneca Falls Declaration that the objective of men has been to establish "absolute tyranny" over women. As he puts it, "The tyranny that has exerted power over women is not man but nature."

It's only civilization that permits women--and occasionally men--to depart from traditional sex roles. If women bear and predominantly nurture successive generations, it is men who are largely, if not exclusively, responsible for building civilization with all its faults and glories.

Few if any would have challenged any of the forgoing as recently as three quarters of a century ago. But then something happened to upset nature's balance. The birth control pill was invented and rapidly disseminated throughout western society. The impact of this scientific technology upon mankind has been far more revolutionary than even that of nuclear fission, introduced at much the same time. The introduction of powerful technologies into any society can have profoundly unpredictable and dangerous consequences. Humanity should take heed.

Meanwhile, humanity is still just beginning to sort out the consequences of the rapid and widespread adoption by society and government of radical feminist and related LGPTQ+infinity social positions.

Meanwhile, as Lippincott says, "patriarchy makes civilization possible."

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Apr 5Liked by Josiah Lippincott

Excellent article.

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You should address the debate between Bachiochi and Yenor on its merits, point by point, rather than argue against something that she does not actually posit.

Also: “Man has greater physical, intellectual, and spiritual potential than his female counterpart.” Man and woman are created imago Dei in different bodies. Why do you feel the need to demote women in order to make the point that the sexes basically differ? Difference does not necessarily invite comparison; that, in fact, is a liberal feminist prior

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I'm inspired to subscribe. Not only is this article a welcome breath of fresh honest truth, the comment section matches it with the exception of the troll that is shrieking and writhing in her ideological hatred. Probably a bot. Pay it no mind.

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Exactly. Un-mentioned is the impact of female over-emphasis on altruism and empathy. Every single Western social pathology finds its foundation on “Oh, that poor…..” incarcerated thug, illegal alien, illiterate high-schooler, crappy teacher, gang banger, tranny in the women’s locker room…. And I’m not even mentioning the existential problem of below-replacement fertility.

Who are our most vulnerable victims of this empathy? Women. What rights will women have once they’ve collapsed the West and the more fecund Islam fills that gap? None.

And the only way to resolve the problem is terminating women’s suffrage. The only way to protect women from themselves. They are too important to be allowed to keep destroying the future.

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I take comfort in the fact that the victims (stupid) and zealots of this dark and evil ideology called feminism will simply not be part of the future equation.

They will end childless and miserable, and the genetic code that made them prone to fall for this evil will simply not reproduce.

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Like all movements, feminism went too far. Once the original objectives were achieved, encouraged by their "successes", women had to find "new" ways to achieve "equality" with men. Transgenderism and multiple genders are the ultimate result of third wave feminism. I hope you girls are happy now, but there are always new degradements to pursue, right? Now that "equality" equals being master and commander of your new found non-biological sex, what could you do to further degrade womanhood and femininity, whatever that even means now....good grief. Men, heroes, please come back! Save us from this insanity....

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That section about how only the intelligent amd upper class are able to make meaningful commitments absent the legal incentives makes this all nest nicely with Rob Henderson's luxury beliefs framework. Feminism is a luxury ideology. I appreciate how quintessentially and unapologetically right wing your positions are. Seems lately like people don't even know what right means, this article serves as a good example to point to!

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LOL, did the Taliban write this?

"No one will fuck me. The West has fallen and feminism took my rights away."

Go play Call of Duty. Patriarchy is when men get to beat their wives legally. There's a reason Muslim migrants run from Afghanistan to Finland, sweaty.

Nobody cares you can't get a date. Join a gym.

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"Anarchists and utopians can dream about a world free of the need for coercion, but that is all it is, a dream. "

The majority of people already agree with, and abide by, the principles of anarchy. In our daily lives 100% of our transactions, interactions and relationships are conducted in a state of anarchy (no rulers). People who attempt to rule others by force are labelled muggers, thieves, extortionists, hijackers, murderers, rapists and bullies and we all agree their behaviour is not acceptable.

Anarchists argue that the moral rules (and associated laws) that we all accept are appropriate (theft is wrong, extortion is wrong, murder is wrong, kidnapping is wrong etc) should apply to politicians and their enforcers too. There is nothing about social organisation or enforcement of moral rules which necessitates violating those moral rules.

You imply that anarchy is a dream, but I've never met anyone who is prepared to argue why basic moral rules re: murder, extortion, theft etc should NOT be applied to everyone. If we all agree that moral rules should apply to everyone (they are supposed to be RULES after all) then we have already agreed that anarchy is the only acceptable basis for a civilised society.

Are YOU prepared to argue that morality (and the laws we derive from it) should NOT apply equally to all?

Feminism itself is simply an effect of statism. Without the legal right to extort men (via the state) feminists would not exist.

'Statism' (which is just a fancy term for moral hypocrisy) brings out the worst in everybody, and in women it manifests in the hard wired female desire for resources acquisition and the female trait of hypergamy.

The moral hypocrisy of statism creates a legal mafia and feminists are those women who make a deal with that mafia for free stuff and special privileges (taxation/ welfare and socialised services ete) instead of transacting with men by offering them something in return (companionship, sex, children, housework, a sandwich).

Feminists are just hypergamous women who have correctly identified 'the state' (men with guns and a monopoly on the legal right to violate moral rules) as the most powerful mafia in town. Thus feminism is basically a harem of women, who cling on to that mafia. They agree to play the role of eternal victim and point the finger of accusation at ordinary men ('toxic masculinity' etc), so the mafia can pretend its pillaging of society is being done to 'protect women'.

This arrangement is bad for children, bad for ordinary men and women and bad for feminists too in the long run (have you ever met a happy feminist?)

The reason why feminism is such a contradictory and absurd ideology, and why feminists can't argue their way out of a paper bag is that they don't have to. They already have the ability to enforce their program of wealth/ power redistribution via the state (men exempt from morality).

Feminism is an effect of statism. A society which applied moral rules equally to everyone (which is a reasonable enough proposition) would have no feminists because the risk associated with their wealth redistribution program would be too great. Instead feminists would find more civilised (and also more empowering) ways to get access to men's resources consensually, such as forming relationships built on trust and love, and providing something of value to men in return for their protection and provisions.

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I agree so much with this. I usually see it from a medieval perspective myself. With the breakdown of the Medieval system, the gods of Chaos, Lunacy, and Bad Taste gained ascendance. After a period in which the western world had enjoyed order, tranquility, unity, and oneness with its True God and Trinity, there appeared winds of change which spelled evil days ahead. An ill wind blows no one good. The luminous years of Abelard, Thomas à Beckett, and Everyman dimmed into dross; Fortuna’s wheel had turned on humanity, crushing its collarbone, smashing its skull, twisting its torso, puncturing its pelvis, sorrowing its soul. Having once been so high, humanity fell so low. What had once been dedicated to the soul was now dedicated to the sale.

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Excellent work.

Feminism has damaged society to it's core, fortunately it's beginning to fracture, many women now reject feminism for the destructive weapon it is and was initially designed to be.

Feminism was never about helping women it was about destroying Western society and gaining an additional 50% income tax as a bonus.

There are of course women who cling to Feminism, they become insanely bitter and twisted, watching on as it fails abysmally.

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Excellent article focusing on the supremacy and potency of the law - coerced behavior backed by threat of overwhelming violence. One other aspect of the law is the Welfare State. If you look at Welfare, it is a massive wealth transfer. That wealth transfer is racial in nature and goes overwhelmingly from the middle class of one race to the underclass of others. This amounts to cuckholdery that disadvantages one race, the one that created this civilization and advantages others that never did so. This is proven in birth rates and illegitimacy rates.

We typically look at this in terms of a class wealth transfer. It is such a transfer but it is also racial, and it portends a collapse in not just civilization but in the population of people who created and stewarded that civilization in ebbs and flows for 7000 years - from the Indo-European Yamnaya who invented the wheel, the chariot and tamed and bred the horse that is the de-facto horse that is used throughout the world. They and their warrior and heroic ethos and creed are in real danger. Their homelands are being overrun and colonized and handed over to alien strangers who are taught to demonize and vilify them. At the same time Occidental Man is entering a demographic winter. We fit all of the four characteristics of looming extinction by the four measures of our scientific method:

1. Loss of habitat (via mass invasion)

2. Predation (via massively imbalanced interracial crime and deadly drug consumption)

3. Hybridization (ethno-genesis via miscegenation)

4. Cratering fertility rates

There is yet another bleak danger. The invading populations are being taught to hate and despise us. They see every day the few border guards we have being overrun and steamrolled while being rendered impotent to guard and defend. It is a humiliation and an invitation to naked aggression. The rhetoric they hear that is demonizing and vilifying is also blatantly genocidal. So, on top of the four factors of extinction, you have a besieged population that is being turned into a minority at an unprecedented rate whose invaders are being given license to think genocidally. This makes the threat of a violent extinction event very real in the future. The anti-white regime must be stopped and before we are totally dispossed and outnumbered by hostile peoples. White Lions must roar.

This is a great article. We need to focus on the legal system. As important we must focus on the Welfare State as part of that change in the legal regime, and not just talk of the immorality of theft, but discuss the cuckholdery that is essentially racial in nature and threatens the future of Occidental/European man in all of his homelands across the globe.

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