Obama promised the moon. Unfortunately I don't believe he ever believed in the things he said. He said them because smarter people than he was told him they would work. With most people they did. I saw him, immediately upon watching him talk, as a phony. I was right, "many people" were not. What I see today in Trump - some of it - looks good, but some of it does not reassure me. Trump has to be very determined, not concede an inch (the people he's confronting as psychopaths), and push forward with all the (considerable) determination he can come up with.

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The messianism around Obama was crazy. So powerful that even two terms of mediocrity and dereliction softened it only a little. People idiotically maintain he was a good president when his main legacy was ruining race relations and making healthcare even more expensive. Otherwise these were forgettable years.

My bet is that the Left won’t even begin to recover until they come to grips with the reality that Obama was an idiot that was almost entirely built up by hype. Trump really has nowhere to go but up.

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It's amazing we got the beginning of the end captured all on camera. Obama's house of cards began to crumble the moment he publicly humiliated Trump at the White House Correspondent's dinner. Had he never done that the world would likely look much different today.

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Trump has the obstacle of RINOs masquerading as Republicans. Some of them will be “primed” in ‘26. The first 2 years will be an avalanche of executive orders to give his team the mandate we voted for.

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Trump has the obstacle of RINOs"

The difference this go-round is, people are aware and watching closely unlike the chaos of 2016. "China Wattle" Mitch needs to check his six.

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Short summary: Obama lied.

He never wanted or cared about any of the rainbows and lollypops he sold the American voters. My fellow voters failed us in not seeing through the sham. Obama always saw another version of America and did his best to remake the country per that leftist vision.

The establishment GOP either saw advance to themselves or were too cowardly to oppose him.

The Biden Administration just took Obama's path and went for broke on it, burning the Democrats' bridge to the core of Americans.

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Lippincott gets it. Obama had the chance to bring back FDR and form another guaranteed victory for future Dems. In fact he brought in the Heritage Foundation (author of Romneycare=Obamacare) and gave trillions to the bankers. I knew he was a faker before the election when he approved of TARP instead of promising to prevent it.

Trump did the same thing in 2016. He promised to aid Main Street, promised to drain the swamp. In fact he immediately fired all the populists he brought with him, promoted the bankers and neocons, and then in 2020 iimprisoned and strangled the whole country while handing trillions to the investment class.

Will he do the same this time? I wouldn't bet against it. Wall Street doesn't change its spots.

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I think Angelo Codevilla would’ve agreed with much of this.

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Obama was not manipulated by the plan - he was part of the plan- the GOP now is not what the GOP was- if they keep moving in the right direction they will be successful. President Trump and his team have a huge job ahead of them- I’m praying they succeed.

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This is an article of wishful thinking. Trump is filling his cabinet with ardent Zionists and warmongers. The failed foreign policy that works at the behest of Israel will continue full steam ahead. Trump accepted huge sums from his Zionist donors - Miriam Adelson anyone? MAGA is shaping up to be MIGA again. Trump was selected in order to bring about the war on Iran. He will roll back some of the insanity while gearing up the dullards (conservatives) to go fight and die on behalf of Israel. Nothing new, it is just wrapped up in clever marketing to make the dullards think America is back. Moreover, Trump is likely to preside over the economic collapse that has been in progress since 2008. Nothing was ever solved after 2008, only papered over. Additionally, Trumps rhetoric has the potential to setup the dullards for the acceptance of digital ID. Consider all those illegals without ID and we don't know who they are...consider all the voter fraud....we can do away with it through voter ID...etc. They could get the support for digital ID. Same thing with Trumps acceptance and promotion of digital currencies as well. Another setup to get people to accept CBDC's or other digital currencies that can be turned into a digital gulag. Overall, Trump and his supporters are being set up to be blamed for what looks to be a major war, economic collapse, and potential digital tyranny. Trump's judgment?...The guy continues to shill for the c-19 vaccine....he is the "father of the vaccine"...you know, the one that injured and killed millions. Nothing good is coming for America....only destruction.

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Your reading comprehension isn't very good. Nowhere did I say I am jumping on the side of Palestinians. Last time I checked the US is thousand of miles away from Israel and Palestine. We should stay far away from foreign lands and avoid foreign entanglements just as the founding fathers stated. We've lost trillions of dollars and thousands of our own people fighting wars on behalf of Zionist interests in the Middle East and these clowns are doing everything they can to keep us involved. It is time to bring the troops home and close down the bases and throw out the Zionists from the US government and evict their poisonous ideology from the US entirely.

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And he rubbed Trump’s face in it at the 2011 press club dinner.

Lesson: Don’t poke the bear!


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audacity. ignore distractions and detractors.

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obama promised to fundamentally change the country.

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