"Only outright fraud could possibly elevate her to the presidency, and that move would instantly destroy the last pillar of legitimacy holding up our political order."

Looks like the current Democratic Party is more than happy to burn it all down, rather than give up power.

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Fraud or murder. They’ve already shown they are not above that.

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Today it is becoming pretty clear that she has an insurmountable lead and it’s just a matter of running out the clock until she is elected.

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Hahaha! Good one.

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She just has to keep the balloon in the air until November. The convention does most of that work for her. It’s all downhill now. She can coast in.

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She'll be destroyed in the debates. She has no coherent policies, no experience, no charisma, and a bad history in California.

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I disagree - they will never let Donald Trump win, whatever that looks like - it’s easy enough to manipulate the vote by internet or excess mail in ballots in a few swing states - they will delay the results until enough votes are counted - they already got away with it once.

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Yeah, I have a feeling some libtards would rather die than let Trump in the White House again. The question is how many of them are there and what positions of power do they occupy?

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Happy to oblige them!

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Or kill…

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Have you even read the article? Author acknowledges this possibly.

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I agree. My comments:

1) At 2020 election Michael Anton predicted that a Dem “victory” would mean manipulation of all future elections by the administrative state & Dems to give the illusion of democratic selection of leadership, but it would be an illusion. I think he is right, but it is interesting how they’ve boxed themselves in with such terrible candidates that the illusion is like the Wizard of Oz “pay no attention to that man over there” or The Emperor’s New Clothes.

2) Walz is a hideously bad person, politician, and candidate. He and Harris are a perfectly matched ticket.

3) During the George Floyd riots, both Walz and Harris actively aided antifa. Antifa is the Sturmabteilung of the Democrat Party. If you (and I) are fight about Harris/Walz chances, the Dems, administrative state, and their foreign backers are going to have to decide whether they want to risk another four years of Trump or just have it out now. That’s my prediction, anyway.

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There will not be a fair election.

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With “lawfare” against Donald Trump the jury box is failing us.

With the illegal and incompetent Biden-Harris Administration the ballot box has already failed us once.

That leaves the cartridge box. Are people prepared to open it? Is now the time to open it?

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this is unfair. first of all, she got like at least six (6) votes in a primary four years ago. That ought to be good enough.

second, more seriously - she absolutely can win this. It's the "mean girls" campaign of nothing and I'm not saying it will work, but it holds potential because of the crack addicts that follow her. Addiction is powerful and it can be contagious.

Trump/Vance cannot respond to "mean girls" with the "frat boy" stuff. that needs to go. They will totally win if they stay calm and on point with policy.

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You must not be living where I live. People drooling over here, and this is in California, where she, along with Newsom, made a living hell for many CA legal citizens. Still, they are loving her. One of the most triggering symbols I saw here in this very 'spiritual' county of Marin, where we have Spirit Rock Meditation Center, a shot ton of yoga studios, meditation, 5 Rhythm communities, seekers, old hippies, etc. was a lotus blossom, painted with stars and stripes, and Harris 2024 under it. Such a beautiful representation of all the Buddhist, Om Shanti, Lululemon, Downward Dawg culture -- adulterated with the tagline Harris 2024. It was so viscerally triggering I tried to pretend that 1. I didn't see it, and 2. Most of our neighbors didn't think it was the best thing since sliced bread. These multiply injected liberals voting for Kamala are thrilled to have their DEI installed black woman represent them, despite her record as AG in CA, her use of prison inmates as slaves, her punishment of mostly black men, her slime record with Willy and Montel, etc. THEY LOVE HER. And they can't understand why I don't.

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She will win because, to be honest, Trump and Vance are running a very stupid campaign. Taking the bait on race, and talking nonsense about social issues that won't buy them a vote outside their already secured base. They need to stay laser focused on Harris and Walz misadventures - border protection fiasco, out of control spending, what they/their policies have done to the country and Minnesota, pin them on their support for Islamists, snitch line that Waltz put in place and so on. Make independents and moderates aware and bring them to the fold, ot be ready for a loss by a landslide.

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Except the Trump Team is not talking about Kamala Harris' race.

They are talking about her record. It's the corporate media who are doing everything they can to drag race back into the election rhetoric.


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The left sponsored propaganda will never show that. So ya, according to them he IS talking only about race, so therefore he is.

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Trump needs to keep to his script and stop his blathering about crowd sizes. His base may tolerate it but he’s not winning any undecided.

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Kamala will be our next president. This has already been decided. She just has to be kept under wraps for another 2 1/2 months.

She will win a landslide of fans of Megan Thee Stallion and of Charlie XCX (it’s clever! Say the letters out loud and you’ll understand)

She will have the full protection of the media and of the congressional democrats. She will never have to explain a policy position. She will not have to discuss the war in Ukraine. She will only speak at events carefully crafted to have no policy component.

She will win because she is black she is a woman and she is Brat.

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So far, so sadly true.

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Dude this is not a strong rebuttal. You’re just saying the same thing over and over again without much evidence. This is a vibes election and right now Trump is looking like God spared his life to spend his final years contemplating getting his ass kicked by a black lady. Kamala probably is unqualified and unlikable and anti-white but we’re not going to find that out until well after the election. Trump certainly is not going to tell us that — much more important to use his closing statement at the debate to rail about Crooked Joe and Crazy Nancy and how unfair everything is to me, me, me.

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>The regime cannot survive the installation of another astroturfed and unpopular political leader into the highest office in the land. The weight of the sheer ridiculousness of it all will bring faith in our system of government crashing to the ground.<

Why not? It survived the first one just fine.

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Correction - it survived all of them just fine.

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“No reasonable person can believe that Kamala has any shot in this race.”

In case you haven’t observed the average “vote Blue no matter who” Democrat, half the country are eminently unreasonable people.

That anyone still believes there’s a shred of legitimacy to our system at this point after everything we’ve witnessed tells me legitimacy doesn’t matter. There is no limit to the abuses Americans will tolerate in the name of maintaining the delusion that the Old World Order is still in effect.

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If the polls are even close to accurate, it means 50% of the country is ready to vote for communism.

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The youth have been indoctrinated into believing communism works. Sadly it seems it’s our turn in that barrel.

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not called “surprise” for nothing. all it takes is 81,000,000* “ballots”.

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The upside to Kamala is, if she wins, she inherits a very unstable economy, two unwinnable foreign crises, and a population tired of the DEI tranny culture war. 4 more years of Dem incompetence will pave the way for a populist candidate.

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We don’t have that kind of time.

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Gonna be lit. How do you “win” when the legit way is closed? Something wicked this way comes. I don’t know what is on the table but it won’t be a repeat of 2016.

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Its a shell game, It doesn't matter . The president isn't really in control of the government anyway.

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“The DNC coup to remove Biden from the 2024 ticket was a stunning public admission that he was never the “most popular candidate” of all time and that the 81 million “votes” he “won” in 2020 were a mirage cooked up by ballot-harvesting, COVID protocols, and outright fraud.”

If they didn’t remove him for his disastrous debate performance, then why choose an even less popular candidate?

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Kamala is the most popular politician in America with no close second. Check the polls.

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She hasn’t had to take a stand on any policy. She is black and female. She was reintroduced via a massively choreographed Hollywood spectacle with twerking pop stars and other celebrities to lend their cache.

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You’re right about what has happened. I guess I’m asking why/how can she be leading in polls when all she has presented is an image. No policy. No promises. Absolutely nothing presented to show why she would be a good choice. An image is leading the polls.

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Welcome to America.

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She might be now.

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