If the now 60,000,000+ illegal alien migrant criminals are deported en masse and refused any future entry into the United States, the beneficial knock-on effects will be tremendous for this country.

Employers will be forced to pay something approximating a living wage. Housing prices will inevitably fall and young employed people will be able to purchase their first home. This will encourage family formation and the creation of 1, 2 and 3 children families. Without this, the United States will experience population collapse. These are the fruits of the Deathvax™️.

Any attempt to replace Americans with hordes of uneducated, unskilled illegals with nothing but contempt for our country, our language and our culture is tantamount to the destruction of the United States.

Those who advocate and facilitate this population replacement are TRAITORS…and must be punished under Rule of Law as such.

The correct pro-family government policies enacted strictly which encourage family formation and favor the well-being of children can yet save the United States from Marxist annihilation.

Nothing need be coerced or mandated. Create the conditions that promote the nuclear family and American families will thrive and multiply. That’s the human condition.

The first step is to rid ourselves of tens of millions of parasites whose unwelcome, unlawful presence in our country is destroying our economy and strangling OUR AMERICAN CHILDREN’S future.

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Sorry to criticise, mate- but I don' think your post is that helpful. In fact, it's exactly the type of ammunition the Left goes hunting for when constructing the insane argument that people shouldn't be allowed to prefer people who are from their own culture. They are the weirdos- there is actually a name for it in psychology- no joke, WEIRD people. 90% of people globally (and the majority in the West) have high levels of homophily. We even cultural preferences in airports, through national amiable 'common language' affiliations. A white British guy is more likely to strike up a convivial conversation with a Black American in a bar, than he is with a white German with good English. It's about the culture, the shared idiosyncrasies.

Don't get me wrong- you have every right to be angry and you do have a point. The figure on migrant crime are highly distorted for a number of reasons. First, the conflation of legal migration (which is generally vetted for good citizenship likelihood) with that which is not. The other biggie is unreported crime. About 90% of crime happens within group, against people from the same communities. It's why its so hypocritical for the Left to care more about mass incarceration than they do Black on Black crime, because they don't have to cope with the fact that if they have a son, their leading cause of death from 14 to 45 will be homicide. So a lot of illegal immigrant crime is migrant on migrant. Even migrant on migrant murders are likely to be massively underreported compared to crimes against Americans.

But I wouldn't blame the migrants. They're not the ones causing the massive problem. Most of them are likely to just want a better life and are willing to work hard. I agree with almost everything else you've said. One of the two major factors causing population collapse in the West is the lower wages/salaries caused by migration, paired with higher living costs- most women in the West want more children, but can't for financial reasons. The other is the fact that most Western women are woefully underinformed about the fertility issues arising from attempting to conceive after 30. Finally, for a lot of people who go to university, the economic benefits really aren't that obvious- and the debt incurred should probably be treated as odious debt and written off (that would fuck the Marxists in the elite universities, wouldn't it?). Most of the value add occurs for people in the top 10% of the cognitive spectrum, especially in areas like science and engineering- although insanely engineering grads seem to increasingly be the grad of choice for management consultancy firms like McKinsey- what a waste!

My point would be this- focus your fury. It's not the migrants that are the problem, although the Left does definitely undersell migrant crime as an issue. It's the fuckers who've created this mess with their insane ideology who deserve your ire, completely lacking in basic pragmatism (or intent upon the Cloward-Piven strategy).

My own view is that everyone who wants to run for office should be presented with a two ferries scenario. They can only save one ferry. The passengers on the other ferry will drown. The first ferry contains 200 foreigners. The second ferry contains Americans (or Brits, Australians). The question for the prospective politician is how many fewer Americans would there have to be on the second for you not to choose to save them over the foreigners? There is no right answer. But two things are certain. First, people who say only one American should be banned from running for office, and there should be some form of publicly available way for voters to obtain the information that their prospective political representative doesn't value their rights or interests any more than some Eastern European fresh from the Southern border. American politicians are supposed to represent the interests of the American people, not the interests of others- to argue otherwise is tantamount to the argument that it should be perfectly acceptable for a defence lawyer to score points for the prosecution...

There are a couple of legal reforms which should help. First, it should be legal to discriminate in favour of citizens. It should be the only form of non-merit based discrimination allowed. Second, employer taxes. Here in the UK, employer taxes are around 10% of salary. In Sweden the figure is 30%. There is no good reason I can think of why it shouldn't be possible to make employer taxes higher for non-citizens. If, because of employer taxes, American workers are 20% cheaper for employers than foreigners, then most employers are going to want to hire Americans, everything else being equal.

One of the saddest things about this entire debate is that most people aren't against migrants as individuals, even though the anger can often manifest that way. They're against mass migration as an unchecked an unvetted horde. It's more about the potential loss of a way of life. The loss of an precious culture which is unique, but uniquely undervalued by those who hold almost every other culture sacred. It's as much about community displacement as it is about labour displacement and wage dilution. It's why when the White hipsters moved into Harlem a lot of the hostility had nothing to do with gentrification. It's about the restaurant where you proposed to your wife being shut, because all the customers moved away. It's about the fact that Latino Americans had fought for years for their kids school to run AP Maths classes, only to be told that the budget is being reallocated to foreign language teaching and that Maths is racist anyway.


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Nothing ever comes of kow-towing to 'the Left' except more leftism. If you're going to allow your 'enemy' to control your political discourse then, essentially, you are a part of the enemy you claim to oppose. Appeasement doesn't work.

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The problem is that there are legions of people who might be won over to the Rebel Alliance if only the right messaging is put in place. Simply hammering home jobs and housing over and over again could have achieved the 500% shift towards the Right within the African American community in 2021- with a little time to spare for the mid-terms.

Why do you think the Left managed to hold on somewhat in 2022? Because exactly the type of disaffected liberal and Latino/Black blue collar males were somewhat put off by targeting migrants with anti-immigrant sentiment. Do you really blame them for wanting to come to the US or the UK? I certainly don't. But overall, it's not a net human positive. Whatever gain they experience is vastly outweighed by the damage done by corporate overloads and rentier financiers taking advantage of the unlimited supply of labour and limited number of homes to destroy the American Dream and institute Neo-Feudalism.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden produces edicts stating that trans women have women's Title IX rights.

It's about winning.

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There's no point in winning a prize you don't want. Galvanizing Whites against immigrants is more important than the trivial numbers of supposedly 'based non-Whites who loom so large in your perspective. I am a White Identity Nationalist precisely because I recognize that Identity is Morality. Even the notion of 'native has been polluted by immigrants.

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As for leftists and their opinions, I could care less what they think. They can squeal and howl like stuck pigs until they pass out from lack of oxygen, for all I care. That’s what they usually do. It’s nothing new.

If these past four horrific years have taught us anything, it is that leftists are depraved, democidal COMMUNISTS. They are the enemies within. Their every word and action is laser-focused on destroying the United States and harming - often murdering - their fellow citizens.

Leftists are TRAITORS. Once you understand this, the imperative to ignore leftists’ opinions and complaints is crystal clear.

Our problems in the United States can be easily solved. All of them. Laws exist on the books and in our Constitution to resolve our every dilemma.

The traitors currently squatting in political office doing fuck all are deliberately choosing NOT TO ENFORCE the law. These politicians and bureaucrats are depraved criminals and will be dealt with as such. It is probable that charges of treason against the nation will be brought against them. The overwhelming majority of Americans would support this outcome.

There’s nothing illegal about enforcing the law as written. There is an OBLIGATION to do so. All public officials who have been derelict in performing their duty to uphold Rule of Law must be made an example of, vigorously prosecuted and must spend the remainder of their miserable lives incarcerated. No exceptions. This precedent of utter treachery cannot stand.

The solution is RULE OF LAW, vigorously applied. And harsh punishment of those who violated their Oath of Office, as an example to those of the political left.

American communists masquerading as “progressives” can deport themselves to Cuba or Venezuela if they don’t like it. Personally, I favor loss of citizenship and permanent expulsion from the United States for those who provably subverted our laws and our Constitution. This is Rule of Law.

No mercy.

No excuses.

No exceptions of any kind.

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While there are some similarities between the illegal migrant inundation in the UK and the SEVENTEEN MILLION plus illegal alien migrant invasion in the United States (on top of the 50 million plus illegals in America ruining the quality of life for U.S. citizens), they are superficial similarities.

The problem of illegals breaking into my country like thieves is on a VAST scale. Consider as well what happens south of the border. Drug trafficking, human trafficking, child sex trafficking on a gargantuan scale. Too many instances of violent crime (think beheadings) to count. We are NOT the same.

You are ignorant of what is really happening in the United States. The corrupt MSM does not inform you in the least of the true state of affairs.

The presence of tens of millions of criminals - and every illegal crossing over our border IS a criminal and, at this point in the calculated, coordinated invasion, must be regarded as an ENEMY COMBATANT - harms the interests of American citizens in a multitude of ways. These people are PARASITES. There is zero benefit to American citizens of having them in my country. They must be permanently expelled. Every last one. Americans in their hundreds of millions ARE AGAINST illegal alien migrants…and we have made this clear through our votes for decades.

There is no solution to this crisis that does not end in extreme levels of violence, in my opinion. Regardless of what mild devious euphemisms are attached to discussions of illegal migration, THIS IS WAR by deceptive means, and it warrants an equally aggressive response.

Mass deportations of 60,000,000+ illegal aliens in an organized fashion is the peaceful solution. It’s the ONLY peaceful solution remaining. I strongly suggest you embrace it and promote it. Trust me, the alternative is far, far worse.

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The author's approach will work for any size population that is unwanted and somewhere else to go. It's a 100% proven approach to removing unwanted life-forms from an area.

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Not to get all libertardarian on this excellent post, but the various environmental rules on home construction, and on adding utilities to new home developments, insanely drives the prices up. The insanity of the open borders policies are matched by various layers of policy insanity elsewhere, combining to give us our dystopian outcomes.

Open borders serves their direct interests. And the environmental and policy goals seem to serve their emotional and neurotic wants.

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This is a great point. I am all for new housing but I don't want giant Soviet style housing blocs. More stable population growth would mean a more stable demand for new construction

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We don't need new housing. We need to quarantine certain parts of the US urban population who are violent and thieving so the vast swaths of existing housing stock in 'unsafe' areas can be rehabilitated and offered up to the less criminal. We allowed non-Whites to make our cities liabilities instead of assets. That has to be reversed.

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You speak the truth, although it is an ugly one. My home city, Philadelphia, used to be a sparkling jewel of the United States, as befitting our former Capital. The architecture is outstanding and has lasted centuries.

Most of Philadelphia lies in ruins these days. Few residents can be bothered to take any pride in home ownership or feel any obligation to maintain their communities. It’s an absolute disgrace.

These barbarians have been the downfall of Philadelphia, a city my family helped establish 338 years ago.

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A man and a woman marry. At first, everything is fine. But eventually the man starts drinking heavily, using drugs and stealing large amounts of money from her.

When the woman objects, he beats her to the point of serious disfigurement, telling her, “Shut the fuck up, bitch. I do what I want.” Then he strangles her until she passes out.

She revives only to discover her clothes are doused in gasoline. The only reason she is still alive is that her husband was too drunk and high to locate the matches. The woman flees her home in terror and resolves to divorce this man.

Do you agree with this choice? Is divorce necessary?

Most people - both men and women - would say, “Yes, divorce is the only option. If you don’t divorce this man, you will likely end up dead.”

This is not, unfortunately, an unfamiliar story. There are women’s shelters in nearly every city in this country. These facilities are needed and much used.

Substitute the woman for Philadelphia and the man for the underclass black population of Philadelphia - the multi-generational welfare recipient group responsible for the majority of violent crime in the city.

How is this situation any different? Why is it understandable and justifiable for the woman to divorce the man that would destroy her life and end her very existence, but it’s not appropriate for Philadelphia to act in defense of its own (now precarious) existence?

How bad does it have to get? How many burglaries, car-jackings , rapes and murders are enough before we say we will no longer allow these violent residents to live among us? How many decades must law-abiding Philadelphians live in fear for their property and their lives?

Must we wait until the entire tax base of law-abiding citizens has fled Philadelphia in terror and there is no tax income to pay police and firefighter salaries? Must we wait until a dystopian Mad Max scenario materializes?

There is an urgency to these questions. We are nearly out of time. Just peruse Ed Dowd’s statistics about the ever-rising number of injured and dead from the effects of the Deathvax ™️. Nearly 70% of the U.S. population is multi-pricked. Sadly, White people in particular succumbed to the propaganda or were mandated by employers to get repeated jabs.

Over 4 billion human beings on Earth have been transfected with the experimental gene therapy serum masquerading as a “vaccine”. Many of those who took three or more doses of the Magic Elixir now have “vaccine”-induced A.I.D.S. Their immune function is destroyed…And the Predator Class is actively threatening the globe with the release of their next democidal bioweapon, so-called “Disease X”.

I cite all of this to call attention to the fact that maintaining Western civilization is by no means guaranteed. It may be necessary, for lack of numbers and thus, lack of employment options, to abandon some U.S. cities to Nature. Perhaps abandon habitations in entire regions of the United States.

We may be forced to expend much blood and treasure keeping the envious hordes of the 3rd world and the depraved, rapacious Chinese Communist Party from invading our borders in THEIR BILLIONS…lest there no longer be a United States of America.

How can we carry on, how is it possible to survive as a nation with entire populations consisting of millions habitually preying upon their fellow citizens with indiscriminate violence…and feeling ENTITLED to do so because of historical injuries they never personally experienced?

It is intolerable. Literally, we have reached the precipice. Tolerating this behavior and sustaining these blows to the social fabric is simply no longer feasible. Tolerance for this predatory behavior ends at this point in history. This crisis is EXISTENTIAL.

A swift and decisive divorce is necessary for survival. There’s no denying we have arrived at this stage.

Just like the woman at the beginning of this story, we have a right to take action to ensure our survival.

Those who believe they are entitled to indiscriminately abuse, attack and murder their fellow citizens like wolves slaughter sheep only have themselves to blame when they wind up losing their right to live as Americans in the United States.

Enough is enough.

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Add crushingly high and ever-rising property taxes to that list of disincentives that destroys family formation and healthy native-born population growth.

If you force the houses to be terribly expensive to build, their price tag and estimated value for tax purposes will be disproportionately high as well.

This is deliberate. Policy makers intended for Gen Z and all the (very few) kids that follow to be unable to afford their own home. Ever.

The psychotic 6uild 6ack 6etter Brigade’s mantra of “you will own nothing and be happy” was aimed squarely at immiserating our children and grandchildren.

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While I'm no libertarian, you have a point. And on this matter, we're definitely speaking of a both/and. Imagine an America flushed of invader detritus *and* somewhat deregulated. Add encouragement of nuclear power and we're back, baby!

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You lay out a plan that makes way too much sense for any of the retards running this country to ever do. The necessary prerequisite to any is this is to replace our regime the way they’re trying to replace their citizenry. Only then will anything positive get done.

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They would also raise wages and probably lower interest rates.

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A very effective method: When a company is fined for hiring an illegal, pay part of the fine to the person who reported it. If the illegal reports himself, he gets to take $100,000 and go home.


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However, the self-incriminating illegal loses all ability to return to the USA for any reason and any attempt to do so results in summary execution. A carrot without a stick is just a free lunch at someone else's expense.

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I concur.

And I’m tired of my nation being disrespected and humiliated by peasants who feel entitled to steal from Americans.

For every illegal invader who sneaks into the United States, the life opportunities for an American citizen are degraded.

Illegals = BURDENS

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The point is that this system would make it so that no company could ever hire an illegal. Because the illegal could immediately break the contract and take $100,000.

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This is a banger

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A history lesson on why you never, ever, accept large numbers of immigrants or refugees. (I learned this at a seminar at the United States War College back in the late 1980’s. As always stayed with me. I guarantee it’s not being taught now).

About the year a.d. 372 the Huns, an enormous Tartar horde from beyond the Don and Volga, burst into the lands north of the Euxine, and began to work their way westward. The first tribe that lay in their way, the nomadic race of the Alans, they almost exterminated. Then they fell upon the Goths. The Ostrogoths made a desperate attempt to defend the line of the Dniester against the oncoming savages—“men with faces that can hardly be called faces—rather shapeless black collops of flesh with little points instead of eyes; little in stature, but lithe and active, skilful in riding, broad shouldered, good at the bow, stiff-necked and proud, hiding under a barely human form the ferocity of the wild beast.” But the enemy whom the Gothic historian describes in these uninviting terms was too strong for the Teutons of the East. The Ostrogoths were crushed and compelled to become vassals of the Huns, save a remnant who fought their way southward to the Wallachian shore, near the marshes of the Delta of the Danube.

Then the Huns fell on the Visigoths. The wave of invasion pressed on; the Bug and the Pruth proved no barrier to the swarms of nomad bowmen, and the Visigoths, under their Duke Fritigern, fell back in dismay with their wives and children, their waggons and flocks and herds, till they found themselves with their backs to the Danube. Surrender to the enemy was more dreadful to the Visigoths than to their eastern brethren; they were more civilized, most of them were Christians, and the prospect of slavery to savages seems to have appeared intolerable to them.

Pressed against the Danube and the Roman border, the Visigoths sent in despair to ask permission to cross from the Emperor. A contemporary writer describes how they stood. “All the multitude that had escaped from the murderous savagery of the Huns—no less than 200,000 fighting men, besides women and old men and children—-were there on the river bank, stretching out their hands with loud lamentations, and earnestly supplicating leave to cross, bewailing their calamity, and promising that they would ever faithfully adhere to the imperial alliance if only the boon was granted them.”

The proposal of the Goths filled Valens with dismay. It was difficult to say which was more dangerous—to refuse a passage to 200,000 desperate men with arms in their hands and a savage foe at their backs, or to admit them within the line of river and fortress that protected the border, with an implied obligation to find land for them. After much doubting he chose the latter alternative: if the Goths would give hostages and surrender their arms, they should be ferried across the Danube and permitted to settle as subject-allies within the empire.

The Goths accepted the terms, gave up the sons of their chiefs as hostages, and streamed across the river as fast as the Roman Danube-flotilla could transport them. But no sooner had they reached Moesia than troubles broke out. The Roman officials at first tried to disarm the immigrants, but the Goths were unwilling to surrender their weapons, and offered large bribes to be allowed to retain them: in strict disobedience to the Emperor’s orders, the bribes were accepted and the Goths retained their arms. Further disputes soon broke out…. Fritigern, with many of his nobles, was dining with Count Lupicinus at the town of Marcianopolis, when some starving Goths tried to pillage the market by force. A party of Roman soldiers strove to drive them off, and were at once mishandled or slain. On hearing the tumult and learning its cause, Lupicinus recklessly bade his retinue seize and slay Fritigern and the other guests at his banquet. The Goths drew their swords and cut their way out of the palace. Then riding to the nearest camp of his followers, Fritigern told his tale, and bade them take up arms against Rome.

There followed a year of desperate fighting all along the Danube, and the northern slope of the Balkans. The Goths half-starved for many months, and smarting under the extortion and chicanery to which they had been subjected, soon showed that the old barbarian spirit was but thinly covered by the veneer of Christianity and civilization which they had acquired in the last half-century. The struggle resolved itself into a repetition of the great raids of the third century: towns were sacked and the open country harried in the old style, nor was the war rendered less fierce by the fact that many runaway slaves and other outcasts among the provincial population joined the invaders.

In 378 a.d., the main body of the Goths succeeded in forcing the line of the Balkans; they were not far from Adrianople when the Emperor started to attack them, with a splendid army of 60,000 men. Every one expected to hear of a victory, for the reputation of invincibility still clung to the legions, and after six hundred years of war the disciplined infantry of Rome, robur peditum, whose day had lasted since the Punic wars, were still reckoned superior, when fairly handled, to any amount of wild barbarians….

Valens found the main body of the Goths encamped in a great “laager,” on the plain north of Adrianople. After some abortive negotiations he developed an attack on their front, when suddenly a great body of horsemen charged in on the Roman flank. It was the main strength of the Gothic cavalry, which had been foraging at a distance; receiving news of the fight it had ridden straight for the battle field. Some Roman squadrons which covered the left flank of the Emperor’s army were ridden down and trampled under foot. Then the Goths swept down on the infantry of the left wing, rolled it up, and drove it in upon the centre. So tremendous was their impact that legions and cohorts were pushed together in hopeless confusion. Every attempt to stand firm failed, and in a few minutes left, centre, and reserve, were one undistinguishable mass. Imperial guards, light troops, lancers, auxiliaries, and infantry of the line were wedged together in a press that grew closer every moment.

The Roman cavalry saw that the day was lost, and rode off without another effort. Then the abandoned infantry realized the horror of their position: equally unable to deploy or to fly, they had to stand to be cut down. Men could not raise their arms to strike a blow, so closely were they packed; spears snapped right and left, their bearers being unable to lift them to a vertical position; many soldiers were stifled in the press. Into this quivering mass the Goths rode, plying lance and sword against the helpless enemy. It was not till forty thousand men had fallen that the thinning of the ranks enabled the survivors to break out and follow their cavalry in a headlong flight. They left behind them, dead on the field, the Emperor, the Grand Masters of the Infantry and Cavalry, the Count of the Palace, and thirty-five commanders of different corps.

The battle of Adrianople was the most fearful defeat suffered by a Roman army since Cannæ, a slaughter to which it is aptly compared by the contemporary historian Ammianus Marcellinus. The army of the East was almost annihilated, and was never reorganized again on the old Roman lines.

Only six years after permitting hundreds of thousands of poor desperate refugees to cross the river and reach the safety of Roman lands, the Emperor Valens and fifty thousand of his best soldiers were dead at their hands. Seventeen years later, Alaric the Goth ruled over the north, and “wandered far and wide, from the Danube to the gates of Constantinople, and from Constantinople to Greece, ransoming or sacking every town in his way till the Goths were gorged with plunder.”

38 years after the Goths crossed the Danube, Alaric the Goth sacked Rome itself. One has to observe that it may not take 38 years this time.

Never, ever, accept immigrants or refugees. Thus endth the lesson.

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It never ceases to amaze me that the party which supposedly favors the working class (Democrats) is essentially pro-open-borders, while the party which supposedly favors open market capitalism (Republicans) is trying to enforce the border and reduce immigration.

During 2020-2022, we saw first hand what happens when even ~3% of unskilled workers left the workforce (in that case, mostly teenagers and early retirees). Wages skyrocketed-- in the Midwest, I saw $18-$20/hour for fast food or gas station jobs (up from $10-$11/hour just two years prior). When every company's #1 priority was holding onto their workers and recruiting new workers, we saw massive improvements to wages and benefits across the board. Other economic factors played into this as well, but reduction in the labor pool had massively positive results for unskilled labor.

The same would apply for real estate. Crummy studio apartments in bad parts of my B-tier Midwestern city are almost universally $1000+/mo (I recently helped a family member look for apartments). While it might seem like a steal to residents of a high cost-of-living city, the average unskilled food service worker here makes maybe $11-$14/hour (wages have since declined since the 2022 high). I don't think most people understand how radically a 5% increase in apartment availability could drive down rents in metropolitan areas.

It enrages me how these facts are reconciled by the liberal establishment. "Studies say that immigration is positive for the economy and undocumented immigrants contribute more in taxes than they receive in benefits". Many of the same people who are most affected by these policies (unskilled laborers) are not well equipped to understand how GDP growth does little to improve their individual economic situation. This should be the talking point of the party which is supposedly pro-free-market capitalism and favors the shareholder class. Illegal immigrants raise demand for and exert price-increases on both major expenses for a working class American: housing, and used car prices.

I can't say I support deportations en masse but the article is useful as an easy to understand example of how immigration hurts the average American.

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Konstantin Kisin recently made a good argument in his opening statement in a debate which he then added to his Triggernometry Podcast- 3% of people in the UK though that immigration was a major issue in 1995. By 2015 that number was 56%. That's not a shift to the Far Right as many in the media would maintain- it's the fact that ordinary people live closer to reality than elites. As anyone who has ever visited Expat communities around the world will tell you, the market dominant migrants at the top of the socioeconomic spectrum with which most elites in the West are familiar, are highly atypical- they tend to self-sort on the basis of income and interest rather than ghettoise on the basis of shared culture, they integrate seamlessly to Western cultures and values and even take up social hobbies like baking or choir singing.

Nobody gives a shit about sane levels of legal migration. The toxicity of the debate centres around the insane Open Society edicts imposed from on high which necessarily entail mass migration in unprecedented numbers. Thanks for mentioning the difficulties of housing production. Home building is one of those areas where the efficient-market hypothesis simply doesn't hold. Increased demand doesn't always equal increased supply. Even if one presumes a massive Federal Libertarian shift towards property holders being legally empowered to build new houses on their land, reducing scarcity costs to harness the forgotten power of the nation that built Liberty ships for the world to create a generation of starter homes for young Americans desperate for the lost promise of the American Dream, it wouldn't necessarily mean that the capacity exists to reverse the rise of corporate rentier economics, it might not be enough.

Global building material supply chains are stretched to the limit. It's a good sector to keep a keen eye on for the purposes of investment. Most building suppliers won't hold their prices for over a week, and it's not at all uncommon for a desperately needed container ship full of timber to be scheduled for delivery to a local port, only to be redirected at the last minute to another continent for the simply reason that another professional buyer somewhere was willing to pay a better price.

America at least is in a luckier position that the UK. At least you have the option of inserting an additional rung on the housing ladder, in the form of American starter homes, which haven't really been built in any numbers in the US for perhaps 50 years. If anything, the expansion of this class of homes would actually lead to home value appreciation further up the housing ladder, because the faster accumulation of housing equity for younger people would necessarily mean an expanded consumer base through trading up. In the UK, we don't have this option. An archaic planning system, regulatory costs, and multiple decades of artificial scarcity created by government means that an acre of building land costs a million pounds in the south of England, and it's not uncommon for the largest companies to site 16 new builds per acre, when the maximum should really be about 6. We've been building rabbit hutches and selling them as homes for over 20 years. This means that even if the political will existed, a huge number of existing homeowners would face an uncertain future in terms of home values.

America still has a chance to avert disaster, but first it needs to face up to reality. It's really not that easy to provide hopeful migrants with even a semblance of the Western Dream when the numbers involved are legion. If anything, the system which encourages their strategic movement is likely to create nothing like an American Dream for more people, but rather the institution of a corporate and permanent governmental aristocracy and the advent of neo-feudalism. It's Gilded Age 2.0, all done under the guise of benevolent compassion.


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Yes, those are just some of the beneficial knock-on effects.

A very substantial reform of the tax code would have to accompany this. Family formation and child-rearing is strongly discouraged by a punishing 40%+ theft of annual earnings through taxation (aka subsidizing foreign wars).

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I support raising tariffs

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Particularly on imports from China (which attacked the United States with bioweapons) and Mexico (which is STILL attacking our nation with fentanyl and other poisons).

90%+ would be entirely appropriate. Punishingly high, immediately implemented tariffs that destabilize their economies and cause mass internal unemployment.

These two nations in particular are clear ENEMIES of the United States and must be treated as such.

No mercy.

No excuses.

No exceptions of any kind.

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So true

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Yea but we can’t afford to do this, we’re too busy sending millions of dollars to fund wars.

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I can't believe this was published at AG.

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Raise the bottom tax rate to have a flat rate for 95% of the population, and give a prebate to citizens only. America is like a rock concert with ticket prices set too low. And the cost of citizenship should be the annuity value of the prebate. Something like a quarter million dollars.

(Or use consumption taxes for raising that bottom rate: tariffs to make American industry to bring back good jobs for the not so academic, and carbon taxes to make the environmentalists happy and/or preserve oil for future generations.)

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Lol. Americans got hooked on welfare themselves and are offended that immigrants want a piece of the action? The Founding Fathers would be appalled. The kabuki dance of high taxes and kickbacks/rebates would bewilder them. Jeez. I won’t even mention the standing army and the dragons we have found abroad. Immigrants are merely dragging down an already diminished Republic bestowed upon us and not kept as hoped.

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Housing prices are actually decreasing now.

There are several reasons for this--one of them is the locals goats prefer to build coffin apartments. This has left a SFH shortage and builders offering incentives. Further, the high cost was driven by blackrock building what is now called "build to rent." They helped to inflate the market. Is there a shortage? It looks like the answer generally is no. In certain markets yes. Look at the homes that are being bundled and sold into pension funds as well. Inflation of the market happens right here. It is a scheme waiting for a crash.

Supply issues are also still a problem--takes in some places 6 weeks to get 2x12s. If you have not noticed, sawmills and paper plants are closing of late in the USA. I could go on.

In the end, Deportations would help, but only be a blip.

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