Well said as always. Great seeing you in DC. Mass migration also destroys assimilation. The third solution is mass deportation - all illegals, anchor babies, asylum fraudsters, and H1B scammers have to go back: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/assimilation-america-traditional-melting-pot

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Great article. History rhymes. Rome destroyed itself. It was a technological marvel. But, it abandoned its people and its core technology - its culture and its social technologies. History rhymes but it doesn't repeat.

There are other aspects that I think are worth your brilliant mind making the subject of an essay. Namely, what happens when you also import and empower an alien elite? Speaking of Rome, the Mauritanian Caracalla of the Severian dynasty got power and essentially dissolved the people by giving the entire Mediterranean citizenship.

We already have alien elites burrowed in - people who since the 60s and before came here and were never American. They didn't grow up here and went from University to positions of authority. Judges like Tanya Chutkin. The people who wrote and sponsored the 1964 Immigration Act. The tech CEOs that give out bonuses for excluding White men from promotions and hiring consideration. The NGO operators that subsidize the takeover of entire industries. (See India and the hotel and service station industries). Entire masters and Phd programs in our Universities are entirely colonized by foreign people. What incentive do they have to put a halt to the anti-White and anti-American vitriol? Zero. That is why they do more of it.

What incentive do they have to ensure that the FBI doesn't persecute Christians if they aren't Christian? What do they care if our heritage is destroyed in iconoclasm, total erasure and other forms of the ongoing cultural genocide?

The American people, the descendants of the European pioneers who made this country, are well into dispossession and the chickens of even greater alien elite importation are still flying in - ever faster and in ever greater numbers.

At the end, the western empire fell but the rhyme is this. Rome was invaded by Northern Europeans. Those people were the same people of Rome and Greece racially and ethnically. They were all European man speaking Indo-European tongues and imbued with the same ethos and biospirit back into the mists of time. The Celto-Germanic invasion represented a re-invigoration of the stock of the peoples of the Italian peninsula.

Today, look at who is at the border, the airport the bus depot and every other mode of settler colonization Americans fund to be replaced and dispossessed. This is our only homeland, and there are endless billions of non-Europeans being invited in. Their homelands are secure. At some point we need to discuss not just the survival of America, Europe and Australia, but the survival of European/Occidental man himself.

Yes Yuri. They have to go back. All of them. Not just the helot class, but the "elite", as well.

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I noticed this years ago. It seems to be the American way to import its working class, with the exception of 1924-1965. First it was Blacks and Irish, then Italians and Poles, later came Mexicans and Central Americans, now it’s Indians, Africans, Arabs. Every 30 years some new ethnicity gets imported to do the low-class jobs. The realist takes a cynical view of this, whilst many others seem to plaint it in a positive light by saying immigration and upward mobility is part and parcel of the American experience. Thing is though, this isn’t a sustainable model for a coherent nation. If anyone can become American and eventually everyone gets a turn to become American, then no one is and “American” doesn’t mean anything.

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Great insight. You always seem to think outside the box

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The answer lies is the past. There is nothing new under the sun.

The Immigration Act of 1924


Organised labour movements that forced big capital to share a larger percentage of profits with workers


As Eccles, chair of the Federal Reserve Board said during the great depression

Weath must trickle up, not down

" is utterly impossible, as this country has demonstrated again and again, for the rich to save as much as they have been trying to save, and save anything that is worth saving. They can save idle factories and useless railroad coaches; they can save empty office buildings and closed banks; they can save paper evidences of foreign loans; but as a class they cannot save anything that is worth saving, above and beyond the amount that is made profitable by the increase of consumer buying. It is for the interests of the well-to-do—to protect them from the results of their own folly—that we should take from them a sufficient amount of their surplus to enable consumers to consume and business to operate at a profit. This is not soaking the rich; it is saving the rich."

Hayek and Keynes said the same thing

"Friedrich Hayek—whose contempt for rich people did not prevent him from providing the most rigorous argument as to why, given the unequal distribution of business ability, spontaneous accumulations of wealth are a condition of well-functioning markets—justified the accumulation of wealth, not rising wealth concentration, which tends to impede the disruptive nature of markets.4 In a well-functioning market economy, for different reasons, both Keynes and Hayek argued that the income of the poor should grow more quickly than that of the rich, not the other way around, as has been the case for decades."


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Americans no longer believe in the dignity of labour, lack the cohesion of old and a constituency of employers (from large companies to individuals paying to get their lawn mowed) prioritise cheap labour over ethnic and cultural continuity. So prospects for an enduring change remain unclear.

Trump may, one hopes, succeed in repatriating Biden's cohort of illegals. But resolving legal migration is another matter.

As you, Josiah, point out, the legacy of mass migration is just starting to make itself felt. The narratives of white moral failure and BIPOC entitlement are fixed in the culture of the minorities. A caste system has formed. Its lower orders are imbued with racial resentments against all whites.

Much will depend on global trade and financial flows. These, rather than electoral swings in the US, determine where the regime is heading over the long term.

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Give Harrison smith a taste of biblical knowledge please now , BSD map of tribes of israel which includes Gaza for your educational responsibilities read about Jacob in the Torah * Jacob has 12 sons . What did they inherit ? Read the Torah for more info ? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M4SHjNIeO-Q&pp=ygUXMTIgdHJpYmVzIG9mIGlzcmFlbCBtYXA%3D

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Karen Bass, Brandon Johnson, and Michelle Wu are the 2025 versions of the Three Stooges and are the face of Democrat calamity and political dysfunction. https://shorturl.at/L7r8c

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Great description of our situation which anyone who has lived in the US for any length of time has seen unfold right under our ( unopened) eyes. “We are a nation of immigrants” has been the propagandising refrain for all of my 70 years of life here. Now we see the results, and everything you say is so true.

The US is unique in the world; we have everything we need to be completely self sustaining as a country: energy, land and people, yet we insist on squandering all of that to be part of a global cabal that grossly enriches a very select small group.

Wake up USA

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There’s definitely something to be said about the racial and cultural component of immigration. These are actual people, not interchangeable units of labor or consumption.

As such, there’s a caste system emerging in our country. Yes, this could be resolved by stopping immigration altogether, but more realistically, we should add some merit-based component (which would include some degree of acculturation) for incoming migrants.

Japan’s an interesting example. If we allow our own to do the “low status” jobs, we’d actually notice a difference in the quality of the work. It could happen here if only we let it.

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My understanding - correct me if I'm wrong - is that wages in these jobs are so low that it is impractical for White Americans to take them. Most of the money goes to the corporate suits. Raising wages would allow Whites to take the jobs, but that would raise the price of the service because the corporate suits WILL NOT take less. What to do? We don't want yet more laws and regulations, but how else can the income be rebalanced to the benefit of the workers and customers?

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The answer to this is increased productivity via further industrialisation/robotics etc. Eg: before to dig a hole you had to pay 50 guys $1 to dig hole by hand. After the introduction of mechanized excavators you pay 1 guy $25 + 25 for the machine to dig the hole

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