Putin's Russia is More Democratic than Biden's America
The Russian government has a greater claim to democratic legitimacy than our own.
Russian elections better reflect the will of the Russian people than American ones.
The blatant liberal hypocrisy in the aftermath of Vladimir Putin’s blowout re-election as President of Russia with 87% of the vote, reveals just how delusional our rulers really are. Putin has a greater claim to democratic legitimacy and popular support than Joe Biden.
A complete lack of irony pervades the American left-wing. Adrienne Watson, the White House spokesman for the National Security Council, argued that, “The [Russian] elections were obviously not free nor fair given how Mr. Putin has imprisoned political opponents and prevented others from running against him.”
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Donald Trump, the leading opposition candidate in America today is facing 91 (!) felony indictments as he runs against Joe Biden. Trump faces an onslaught of at least a half dozen show trials that target every aspect of his financial and political life. He is being accused in one particularly outlandish case that he, as President of the United States, improperly secured classified documents—a truly absurd allegation. How can the Chief Executive of the United States illegally store state secrets? He is the President—the ultimate classification authority!
To quote Thomas Jefferson, President Trump is being “bandied from pillar to post” by a judicial branch that is completely unmoored from its constitutional limitations. The prosecutions he faces are obviously political. They make a mockery of the “rule of law” that liberals supposedly treasure.
Even so, the White House has the gall to argue that Putin is bad because he has prevented critics from running against him. The New York Times has the details on how these barriers to ballot access worked in the case of Boris Nadezhdin, a minor local politician and Putin critic:
Mr. Nadezhdin, a municipal deputy in a suburban town near Moscow, had been nominated by the Civic Platform party, which is not represented in the State Duma, the lower house of Parliament.
The election administrator said it had rejected his application to run because it found too many mistakes in the signatures he had submitted. Mr. Nadezhdin said he would appeal the decision.
The Kremlin states that Nadezhdin couldn’t be on the presidential ballot because he didn’t get enough signatures. That is the exact same excuse used by Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to keep leading Republicans off the gubernatorial ballot in Michigan in 2022!
Not only did the state of Michigan kick these Republicans off the ballot, the Democratic Attorney General, Dana Nessel, charged the firms responsible for collecting the signatures with fraud. The feds arrested another candidate, Ryan Kelley, for attending the J6 protest after he was leading in the polls to win the Republican nomination in the state. You can argue that what Nessel and Benson did was legitimate. You can argue that it was just and right and motivated by impulses as pure as the wind-driven snow.
But you cannot then turn around and argue, in the exact same breath, that when the Russians do the EXACT same things—denying ballot access to critics because of signature problems and arresting opposition leaders—that it is evil, undemocratic, and authoritarian.
Sometimes, I really do think that not only are liberals spiritually broken but mentally disabled. They simply cannot cognize reality in a meaningful way; they cannot follow chains of logic.
When CIA-stooge and Putin critic Alexei Navalny dies in a Russian prison, Joe Biden calls it murder and blames Putin. When CIA-stooge and big-time Democratic donor Jeffrey Epstein dies in prison, it is an unfortunate suicide.
When Joe Biden’s regime arrests a thousand MAGA supporters for protesting on J6, that is defending democracy. When the Russians arrest anti-Ukraine War protestors, that is an attack on democracy.
And so it goes. Liberals in this country have no sense of irony, no sense of context, and no emotional maturity. They cannot understand why their opponents think what they do. They lack, as the psychologists say, a functioning theory of mind. Liberals can’t put themselves in someone else’s shoes and it shows.
Vladimir Putin is legitimately popular in Russia. You can quibble with the numbers but you cannot deny the fundamental truth that Putin is more popular in Russia—by an order of magnitude—than Joe Biden is in America.
First, Putin does not hate the Russian people. In a hundred years, ethnic Russians will continue to be a majority of the Russian state. Founding stock Americans cannot say the same.
It isn’t just that Putin doesn’t hate his people, he also delivers tangible benefits to them. Since Putin took office in 1999, Russian life expectancy has increased by 8 years—from 65.5 years old to 73.5 years old. Russian monthly wages have grown from 1,300 Rubles a month to 104,000 Rubles a month. Despite Western sanctions, the Russian economy will still grow 2.6% this year (compared to .9% in Europe overall) and unemployment remains low.
Putin is popular for non-material reasons as well. His resistance to NATO and western encroachment on Russia’s near abroad are popular with ordinary Russians who do not want to once again become satrapies of America. Russians want to maintain sovereignty over their own country. This is impossible for liberals, who hate the Western Civilization, to understand but national pride has long been a powerful impulse in human affairs.
You can say whatever you want about the war in the Ukraine. You can say it is unjust, wasteful, and wrong. You can insist, till you are blue in the face, that Russians should just shut up and accept American-style liberal democracy, sodomy, and mass migration from the third world. You can say all those things are objectively good. You can say the Russians are insane for not wanting them. But you cannot argue that Russians want what the West offers.
Election results aren’t the only way of gauging popular support. Western sources claim hundreds of thousands of Russians have been killed or wounded in the Ukraine. And yet the Russian government still stands. The war continues. The Russians are winning. Even the New York Times, the pravda of liberalism, has admitted that the Russians are advancing.
Putin commands real loyalty from his people that Biden could never dream of. Can you imagine the American military taking a half a million casualties for Joe Biden? Just to say the words out loud is preposterous. American military recruitment of White men has declined by 50% under the current White House. There is a snowball’s chance in Hell that Americans could sustain the conflict raging in the Ukraine.
Liberals like to pretend that the results of the opaque election process is the ultimate sign of political legitimacy (except when they don’t, as in Putin’s re-election). When an election official (who isn’t Russian) declares someone a popularly elected leader then that proclomation is itself THE sign of legitimacy. This ignores, however, that elections themselves require legitimacy. People need to believe that what the official tells them matches reality, that the process is trustworthy.
Liberals can scream to the sky that Joe Biden AKSHUALLY won 81 million votes, that he is the most popular presidential candidate of all time, and that more blacks voted for him than for Obama in 2012. What they cannot do is argue that Biden has any of the orgindary symbols of popularity.
I have seen, at most, three “Biden-Harris” signs in the last five years anywhere in the Midwest. I still see more Bernie bumperstickers than Biden ones. In the last year, I have seen no yard signs, no spontaneous rallies, no one who is even willing to say, in public, that they support Biden.
I travel widely and have a lot of aquaintances across the political spectrum. I have yet to see any kind of support for Biden. I know there are liberals in my community, in my extended family, and in the big cities. Yet, all of these leftists are loathe to publicly tie themselves to this (supposedly) wildly popular political leader. The only people I see online defending Biden are people paid, by the DNC, to defend his policies.
Biden’s electoral success defies the evidence of my own senses. Trump hosts rally after rally where tens of thousands of people show up and cheer him on. Biden, by contrast, makes virtually no public addresses with an open attendance policy. Biden came to Saginaw, Michigan last week. He spent time inside a private home and then left. He didn’t even talk to reporters. There was no way for ordinary people to come gather and listen to him even if they wanted to.
I have been searching for months for an opportunity to see Biden in person and to listen to him talk. Michigan is a swing state and a critical piece of the electoral pie. I am an observer of political affairs and a citizen. I want to see my leaders. I want to see their supporters. I want to see the human type that attends these sort of thigns.
I doubt I will ever get the chance when it comes to Joe Biden. The man does not speak before public audiences because he cannot. He is so disliked, so hated, so reviled that his speeches would be filled with protestors from his own political camp. A fear of pro-Palestine protestors is so great that Biden refuses to meet with Muslim leaders in Michigan even in private!
There is no rational explanation of how this doddering, senile, stumbling old man is the legitimate President of the United States. Deep down we all know the truth: American elections are a sham. The profusion of mail-in ballots and our months-long election season provides far too many opportunities for elections to be “fortified” by those with the power and money to make such things happen.
If Vladimir Putin hosted a rally in Russia, tens of thousands of cheering supporters would show up. If Biden hosted a rally in Michigan he would be met by throngs of protestors and Trump flags. Yet, we are supposed to believe that Russians don’t believe in democracy but liberals do. It beggars belief.
I am not arguing that Russia is not an authoritarian country. I am not arguing that I want to live under Vladimir Putin. But I very much am claiming that Putin can claim a level of support and popularity among the Russian people that Joe Biden has not and never will be able to claim among Americans. Russia, in that sense, is more democratic and has a more truly popular government than America. Russian elections match the will of the people. The lack of opposition candidates reflects a fundamental lack of popular opposition. Not so in America.
Putin’s authoritarianism is democratic. American liberal authoritarianism is undemocratic. This, at heart, is the major, and perhaps the only, difference between our two forms of government.
"I have seen, at most, three “Biden-Harris” signs in the last five years anywhere in the Midwest. I still see more Bernie bumperstickers than Biden ones. In the last year, I have seen no yard signs, no spontaneous rallies, no one who is even willing to say, in public, that they support Biden."
This is an interesting point. I lived in a blue state (albeit in the rural, redder parts) but also have visited a major, extremely blue city during Biden's presidency and I can't recall so much as seeing a Biden/Harris bumper sticker. And if I have, it's been so rare that I can't recall! The only people I've seen "support" Biden are terminally online super-woke types on twitter who post "dark brandon" memes, but even then I get the feeling that they could care less about him and just want to "own the chuds".
It's embarrassing, even for "normal" leftists to support this shameful, decrepit regime in charge. Even if they unabashedly support woke nonsense, do you really want to be the one to say to your work friends "why yes I support the regime which is making your shopping bill 5 times higher than it was 4 years ago and gaslighting you into believing it's cheaper"?
“Putin’s authoritarianism is democratic. American liberal authoritarianism is undemocratic. This, at heart, is the major, and perhaps the only, difference between our two forms of government.”
Solid conclusion. I’m curious if Russia has the same problem with self-loathing politicians who hate their country and countrymen as the US and Western European ‘democracies’ have. I would wager they do not. At least not the party of Putin.
The Brain Trust currently running this country finds it unfathomable that people could legitimately rally around a leader who puts his own country’s interests first. Of all the economic and social statistics you cite, one can reasonably say Putin has increased the quality of life for the average Russian. He has been a successful leader.
And then we turn to our crumbling American Empire and look at the past 33 years post the collapse of the Soviet Union. 34 trillion dollars in national debt. Inflation hovers at 3% per fake government numbers (it’s closer to 15%) Homeownership has effectively been ended for the middle class post 2020. Life expectancy continues to decline. Doctors cant tell the difference between a man and woman. Real life thought and speech crimes are being prosecuted in criminal court. Political opposition to FJB has been criminalized a la J6 prosecutions and the Trump witch trials.
Yeah Russia sounds terrible.