Mar 25Liked by Josiah Lippincott

"I have seen, at most, three “Biden-Harris” signs in the last five years anywhere in the Midwest. I still see more Bernie bumperstickers than Biden ones. In the last year, I have seen no yard signs, no spontaneous rallies, no one who is even willing to say, in public, that they support Biden."

This is an interesting point. I lived in a blue state (albeit in the rural, redder parts) but also have visited a major, extremely blue city during Biden's presidency and I can't recall so much as seeing a Biden/Harris bumper sticker. And if I have, it's been so rare that I can't recall! The only people I've seen "support" Biden are terminally online super-woke types on twitter who post "dark brandon" memes, but even then I get the feeling that they could care less about him and just want to "own the chuds".

It's embarrassing, even for "normal" leftists to support this shameful, decrepit regime in charge. Even if they unabashedly support woke nonsense, do you really want to be the one to say to your work friends "why yes I support the regime which is making your shopping bill 5 times higher than it was 4 years ago and gaslighting you into believing it's cheaper"?

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“Putin’s authoritarianism is democratic. American liberal authoritarianism is undemocratic. This, at heart, is the major, and perhaps the only, difference between our two forms of government.”

Solid conclusion. I’m curious if Russia has the same problem with self-loathing politicians who hate their country and countrymen as the US and Western European ‘democracies’ have. I would wager they do not. At least not the party of Putin.

The Brain Trust currently running this country finds it unfathomable that people could legitimately rally around a leader who puts his own country’s interests first. Of all the economic and social statistics you cite, one can reasonably say Putin has increased the quality of life for the average Russian. He has been a successful leader.

And then we turn to our crumbling American Empire and look at the past 33 years post the collapse of the Soviet Union. 34 trillion dollars in national debt. Inflation hovers at 3% per fake government numbers (it’s closer to 15%) Homeownership has effectively been ended for the middle class post 2020. Life expectancy continues to decline. Doctors cant tell the difference between a man and woman. Real life thought and speech crimes are being prosecuted in criminal court. Political opposition to FJB has been criminalized a la J6 prosecutions and the Trump witch trials.

Yeah Russia sounds terrible.

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