This was helpful. Thanks for breaking down the numbers and showing just how the election rigging/stealing works. There's definitely something rotten in the state of Michigan, seeing how they overwhelmingly voted for Gretchen Whitmer again after she became a tyrant during the Covid lockdowns and faked her own kidnapping to win sympathy with the press.

Unfortunately, the GOP and its donors seem preoccupied with pissing away money on hopeless campaigns for nobodies and stabbing Trump a few more times in the back than they do with building up an election machine that could compete with the Democrats. More and more, we're becoming a nation with an unaccountable elite class that rules without the consent of the governed.

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I live in Michigan, travel extensively throughout the state. Outside of a few cities you couldn’t find a Biden sign. Democrats cheat

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So, the voting rules make all, or most, of the difference. The lessons seem obvious. If the GOP wants to win in competitive states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona, tighten up the voting rules! Require same day voting, paper ballots, and registration 30 days in advance. Sounds like a job for the state legislatures and other appropriate officials.

The fact is that throughout the twentieth century, despite having substantial registration advantages, Democrats have always had serious difficulty getting their voters to the polling places. That's why they have spent decades trying to expand voting from one day, as it should and used to be, to a week and even a month. That way the activists have a month to get their unenthusiastic voters to the polls. Obviously it works. Then COVID gave them the perfect opportunity to mail ballots to their lazy voters, and anyone else dead or alive, and ballot harvesters had time to collect them.

This should give the GOP sufficient incentive to get back to same day balloting. Make Election Day a national holiday so nobody can complain that he couldn't vote because he had to work.

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I completely agree. The Democrat base is predominantly made up of losers, misfits, weirdos, and resentful ethnic narcissists. And, unfortunatley for them, those aren't exactly the types who are good at being involved in civic life. If they were, they wouldn't be trying to destroy the country!

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