I wouldn't count your chickens too soon, or however the saying goes. After the last two elections I think it's a bit naive to make any predictions with certainty, and certainly not on just the basis of this debate performance, however bad it may indeed have been. Remember that John Fetterman had brain damage from a stroke and still beat Dr. Oz, someone who is completely harmless by comparison to the all-consuming fury and hatred that the left feels towards Trump.

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I hope you're right. When trillions of dollars on the line, though, the trillionaires usually prevail.

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Agree that Donald Trump is going to win, I mildly disagree with your analysis.

There are 3 factions of the ruling caste/Democrats behind the scenes, in terms of how they want to handle Biden:

1.) Keep Biden, then rig election against Trump.

2.) Replace Biden (with Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, etc..), then rig election against Trump.

3.) Allow Trump to Win

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All of the factions are operating out of self-interest and self-preservation. It's a competition between various conspiracies, because power in the American Global Empire is split amid a decentralized coalition of parasites. We are entering a negative-sum economics phase of Elite Overproduction and Imperial Decline, where in order to survive, elite factions must feed upon and cannibalize other factions of former-allies-of-convenience in order to retain power and incomes.

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Obviously in 2020 Trump had the election stolen from him.

The people controlling Biden desire to retain their power by rigging this election again. But Biden's team/handlers/puppeteers made a lot of promises to various factions before the stolen election of 2020, and they failed to honor those promises during the past 4 years, so they have lost a lot of support. Democrats are demoralized and are apathetically sitting on the sidelines, which is enough for Trump to win the election.

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Mostly definitely agreed, but I want to add one grim point: the economic shit is about to hit the fan, and ALL the elites want to forestall that as long as possible. The best way to do that right now is with a major war involving the US, and if febrile Biden wins it'll likely be a civil war over a draft, while if Trump wins he can gin up enough patriotism to make it work or (with a good false flag or 2) not even need a draft. That's why I think a Trump win is likely and if it happens it means WWIII

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This is the exact worse case scenario that I've been mulling over.

Thing is, the US Military seems to be in a poor state of readiness that can't be magically turned around by another Pearl Harbor style engineered first strike by the enemy.

Yes the classic play for impending economic collapse is always "start war to distract" but the "arsenal of democracy" has been gutted so thoroughly by globalism at this point that it ain't gonna be another WW2 Redeux.

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I know... It's a grim scenario and we're gonna see it play out, one way or another. It's not a certainty that it'll happen either way, but if it happens Trump will almost certainly be at the helm, like he was for Jan 6 , gaslighting his supporters...

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The Pentagon, Silicon Valley, Israel lobby, and Wall Street want Trump to win because Biden has been a total disaster to their respective fields (Suez Canal and Ukraine — military is worried Ukraine will be another catastrophic retreat like Afghanistan and will lead to the loss of other vassal satellites such as Taiwan, Hamas/Gaza war — Jewish lobby is incensed by recent Palestinian campus protests and Israel losing the ongoing war, inflation and BRICS responding to the decline of the petrodollar — Jamie Dimon and other bankers are worried their industries will be destroyed by another 4 years of Biden's incompetence). Etc..

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The reason we are not seeing Antifa/BLM/George Floyd-style protests and paramilitary violence this year is because the Democrats feel very apathetic about Biden, and a significant percentage of the American ruling caste wants Trump to regain power in order to stabilize the crumbling global empire.

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The factions of the Democrat ruling caste which are email caste jobs insulated from reality and paid directly by government, such as the State Department, green energy fake jobs, affirmative action DEI hires, and various NGOs — these groups still desire to reelect Biden, or replace him with a substitute puppet candidate and steal the election (again).

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3

Yes: I think that Trump 2.0 will leave many disappointed (groypers, right-wing-communists, isolationists...) but the "e-mail caste" will be shredded in pieces and, if God bless us, the alien will be deported.

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Great article. Line the positivity. But remember the great red wave that never happened 2 years ago? Don’t underestimate these assholes or what laws they’ll break to win.

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100%. I've been watching The Duran's coverage of Ukraine, and today they discussed the chaos among the Democrats in the White House. The two situations have something in common: Incompetence.

We've seen the decreasing competence of Americans and Europeans since the 1960s, with standards being lowered and the stupid elevated and revered. Call it Affirmative Action, or DEI, or the Peter Principle, but these marginally capable people rise to the top.

The Trump presidency and Trump's inability to get his agenda executed had many of us wondering who was really in charge. We thought there must be someone behind the scenes calling the shots, stopping Trump. Some say Obama, some say Soros, some blame Israel or the Jews collectively, while others blame the Vatican, the Queen of England, Masons, "Illuminati", and on and on. Pick your conspiracy.

But it's not true. There is no mastermind, no puppeteer. There are competing factions of insubordinate and incompetent people at the top levels of government who think they know better.

If there is a motivating force behind this, it's ideology. Everyone who entered school since at least 1968 has been indoctrinated and gaslit, sold a pack of lies. They truly believe it, because it's all they know, and any opposing thoughts are censored and condemned. And so they work day and night to bring about their imaginary Utopia that is in contradiction to reality and can never exist.

There are no adults in the room, not in the West. There are only grown children raised on fairy tales and convinced of their own righteousness. They are about to receive a strong dose of reality.

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Best option as figured out by Steve Sailer is to make Kamala the President around August 1st, keep her busy reading speeches and doing “Presidential” things in the fall, reassuring swing voters while the media does goes full press on Trump as would-be Hitler.

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Agree with you that Biden is cooked but if I were a Democrat strategist I wouldn’t be looking at the Presidential campaign for 2024. I’d acknowledge a likely Trump win and shift attention toward Congressional races and also towards trying to stymie/sabotage Trumps agenda in office, as they did in his first term.

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How will this affect Will Stancils legacy?

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Yeah, yeah, yeah. Call me when Trump is lined up on the shore of the Potomac facing DC and ready to cross the rubicon. Anything less is too little, too late.

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I’m more concerned they will create an EMP attack, blame it on China or the Russians, then declare a state of emergency that never ends.

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I'm going to tell my grandkids this is Trump

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We’re so back!

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There are still many people who do not admit the truth. Remember, a little less than 40% voted for Herbert Hoover. There will always be those who ignore the facts and hide behind unreality.

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