We really can’t let Boomers in positions of power anymore. We need a fully Millennial-occupied government

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I think you rightly identify that this is a question of pure willpower. You could also add that there are 700 admin law immigration judges presently, and about 833 federal judges nationwide. Considering that filing a federal case on any matter is considered something that requires a ton of time and money to pursue because the court's time is so precious, it's a strong indication that a massive upgrade of the immigration courts are a necessity as well.

You don't have to even sidestep the judiciary if you just simply used the available power given to you and immediately 10x'd the number of immigration judges.

Google tells me the military currently employs at least 4500 attorneys. Redeploy all of them to be immigration judges. Google also says 44,000 attorneys already work for the feds. Certainly 1/7th of them could work for a year to clear the deck of the nation's immigration courts.

And so many of our inner libertarians start kvetching at this point and saying "growth of bureaucracy" and what not, even though the left was about to hire 80k more IRS agents without batting an eye, because they wanted to run down Venmo transfers over $300.

It's a question of willpower. The first two months of Trump are defined by one powerful lesson: you don't need the Courts or Congress' approval to save the country. The Presidency has all the power you need.

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“Deportations intrinsically fall under the Political Questions Doctrine articulated by John Marshall in Marbury v. Madison”

This is too categorical a statement. Article iii review is curtailed not eliminated under existing law. This misstatement of law makes me more skeptical of your analysis generally

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I hope The Substack to Executive Pipeline really works for you sir!

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Dear Josiah Lippincott

You've been played by a Roy Cohn taught con artist.

Mark R. Elsis

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Liked for the informative look into the law book. It's better than my fantasy of eatn' me spinach like Popeye the Sailor Man, toot toot.

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That's a very handsome power tie, sir. Love the red paislies.

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This is excellent, and putting yourself in line for such a position is excellent. We need more of this. Whatever I/we can do to help you to propel this forward, (writing officials, social media advocacy ... ...), let me/us know. The hour is late and anything we can do to get men with the will and skill to take Our homeland back must be done.

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Godspeed. Stranger appointments have been made by this administration, so there's hope.

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You’re hired!!

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If I can do anything to help I’d love to 🫡

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We need a leader like you to go HAM!

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Looking good, Sir. Please check the email I sent you, Mr. Lippincott.

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