Instant sub for the take on US involvement in the Pacific! What makes it so pathetic too is they never even bothered to TRY to wrench China from communism thereafter... Imagine the 100+ million lives we could have saved if we committed to that policy. Instead everybody lost, especially the American people in the long run. Applause, I'll do a paid sub when I can afford it

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It is indeed an amazing week. And I'm glad you are unbanned. But a correction: in fact, the bullet *did* hit Trump.

Personally, I think he turned his head for a reason.

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BSD map of tribes of israel which includes Gaza for your educational responsibilities read about Jacob in the Torah * Jacob has 12 sons . What did they inherit ? Read the Torah for more info ? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M4SHjNIeO-Q&pp=ygUXMTIgdHJpYmVzIG9mIGlzcmFlbCBtYXA%3D

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What are your suggestions for Substack writers? I have never used Twitter and I am finding growth slow here on Substack. Would you recommend it to other writers? It is not a world I am familiar with.

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Great essay, I just read a book this past year tangentially related to the topic. I'll have to see if I can remember the title.

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